Okies in the BYC The Original

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Good morning fellow Okies! Well I've hatched my FIRST batch of chicks. So far 4 out of 8 have hatched. I'm going to give the others a couple more days. And I've got duck eggs in there as well. Now Im ready for some eggs!!! The fever has started.

Think I'll hatch some giants this next time. This time the kids will be here when they hatch. They were disappointed to have missed out first batch though.
I can't remember the name of the person from SoCal but, I do remember her saying she moved from the Riverside/San Bernardino area and that is where I was from too. I lived in Riverside out by the March-AFB (Orangecrest).

Anyway... thanks for all of the Welcomes it really makes a person feel wanted

If I posted a pic of my babies at 3wks would anyone be able to tell me what I have? They are starting to feather really nice and I have no idea what I got since they were straight run heavies and several had names on them but I got colored layers pullets and some black pullets. I have identified 7 because of their top notches I figured they have to be polish. Other then that I'm lost.

They are so cute. I go to bed and they are the last thing I see before I do so. Then I wake up and check them first thing. It is amazing how fast they grow.

Well I am rambling, sorry.
There's a separate section for figuring out what breed or sex chicks are. You could make a post there and then give us the link. That way you would get the experience of the whole BYC to help. I'm sure you would find out a lot about them if you did.

Hey guys
WHAZZUP? It is cool and windy here. Poor hens...90 one day 60 the next! Bikinis and fur coats for them!

I guess I'm over getting my eggs smashed. Mrs. Squeaky is still parked on the other 5. I checked them last night and 4 have X's and one has a "?". So 4 of those should be "for sure's". What a bunch of drama... I need a Xanax and some Maalox!

I took Big Al's advice and got a Pro-Ketch mouse trap from Atwoods. First night... nothing. Got ticked and baited it yesterday since I was pretty sure they wree nesting in Mrs. Squeaky's nestbox. (NOT AN OPTION!) Sure enough... got 3 of the little buggers last night..... going to do away with them later... I think I am going to buy another one for the north coop. I want a rat zapper... but too much cash for me right now. This seems to work so far so....

Andis... that was me that lived in CA. You lived out by the groves, huh? It smelled so good out there in the spring when the orange trees would blossom. I think they built over most of it during the housing boom didn't they? I know they did in Redlands....

Oh well... hope you guys are all doing good. I am trying to get someone to stay with my Mom so we can go to POOPS. Does anybody have an approx head count for it? Is the post with the food it or is there another list? I am planning on doing Cowboy Beans and Salsa at least.

Nice Black Buck and Bobcat, Teach... I want a Bobcat... they are cool looking... that is a nice specimen too. We had a guy come to our church in CA. and teach the science side of evolution. He was jsut there for one night and he needed to be there for like... a week. It was awesome. I think you can tell evolution is a fraud by the population... people are getting stupider and stupider. If it's survival of the fittest we are in deep weeds!

Love y'all....have a good Thursday!
I did think about trying to get a head count also its up to you guys. I can add it to the food post is ya want.

When posting that you will be there please post how many will be in with you.

Like me it will be possibly 6 people if my friends come down from MO.
People Of Oklahoma Poultry Swap April 25th 2009 I-40 and Chactow KOA


This is just an informal get together of our group here and their family

and frineds. We can bring birds to sell/trade/swap.

Those that are traveling a ways maybe could do paper and plastic ware.

Breads and chips. There will be a Loves right at the exit off I-40 to get

ice and such if needed. There is a WalMart just about 15 miles from this

exit on I40 in Shawnee. There is also a Walmart off I-240 and I-40 from

the west in OKC.

Meat ------------------------Luvs2garden2000
Beer Brats-------------------Greybear23

Corn casserole---------------Luvs2garden2000
Side unknown ----------------Buckguy
Baked beans------------------Greybear23
Tater salad--------------------Dandelion007
Cowboy Beans-------------------HennyPennies2007
Peppermint ice cream----------Teach97
Fruit salad-----------------------poultryand bees
Cake------------------------------poultryand bees

Plastic and Paper Goods

Teach, Buckguy are bringing the pit and smokers. I can bring mine if I

need to.

If I have missed or forgotten someone please let me know either on the

forum or thru a PM. Thanks all we are gonna have a great time.
I caught 6 little ones ( Rats ) in my trap last night, 6 WOW!! this thing works great. I put the trap in a bucket of water and man those little buggars can hold their breaths longer than Michael Phelps LOL, but they did sucumb in about 3 min, Soon I will go out their and will not find any SUCCESS!!!.

darn it! I had a big long post and asked a couple questions and those guys redid my connection...

Okay let's see if I 'member everything

Thanks about the cat Hennie!

The weather here is seriously making me want a nap! No sun and just the right amount of chilly! I have a full bator that was supposed to go back to my buddy at Christmas
It will go back after this last hatch though.

Put me down for 2 adults, 2 kids, and a possible two more adults for the poops event.

Anyone used those small portable cutting rigs? I am thinking of getting them instead of the big bottles...any performance differences? Do they last long enough? Thanks for the help!

Anyone wanna clean my coop?
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