Okies in the BYC The Original

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Mrs. Squeaky on her nest.... sitting on her eggs. I don't knw why I thought she was further along... I gave her the eggs on March 7.... so she is only on day 13....


Her proud hubby...(although he has no idea the babies aren't his... Hope he doesn't show up on a talk show bawking for a DNA test!)

I 'member them birds!!!

Looks as if everyone has been behaving. I have been working away in my coops and garage. Built me a ammo box carrier on my trailer for straps and tarps...gotta love little welders! Removed much poop! Just taking a break!

Talked to a good buddy (bird freak like us) Hopefully he will join the forum. He is looking for golden phoenix...that would be Cuban and a couple others correct? Holler if ya got any extra or can point me in a direction to get some.

Greybear...I am going to talk to the guy about eggs in just a bit!
So, I think I finally got it straight in my head (
) Arms319 is Daniel who is also the gentleman I saw that came up to Carla and Gerald outside the auction while all our buying was going on..... am I right?

Oh John Teel's auction certainly has a great Welsummer breeder bringing eggs! I think now that at least three BYC members have his eggs or chicks
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Nope, I think you're wrong on who Daniel is. I believe Gerald and I were talking to the nice, slightly older gentleman (Native American) with gray hair & beard? That would be Sam, the awesome nice man that we see & visit with at all the auctions we like to go to. He lives in Lawton and I've tried to get him to join us on BYC but he doesn't own a computer. He really needs to!

Daniel aka Arms319 is the nice younger gentleman that was sitting in front of us with his 5 or 6 year old son and next to Sam at the auction. We didn't meet Daniel until he introduced himself to us when we were talking to Sam. He's friends with Sam too ... either that or related? I'm not sure??? Very nice man though and I'm glad he's a member here!

Yes, I want some of those Welsummer eggs. They are awesome dark! Grace, you bought some of them a while back too, didn't you?
Okay, thanks for the explanation, Carla

I had 2 dozen of those gorgeous Welsummer eggs, but due to a power outage that I was not even home for, they did not hatch

The night I bought those, Sherri bought 1 dozen, and she did have a hatch
Nope, I think you're wrong on who Daniel is. I believe Gerald and I were talking to the nice, slightly older gentleman (Native American) with gray hair & beard? That would be Sam, the awesome nice man that we see & visit with at all the auctions we like to go to. He lives in Lawton and I've tried to get him to join us on BYC but he doesn't own a computer. He really needs to!

Daniel aka Arms319 is the nice younger gentleman that was sitting in front of us with his 5 or 6 year old son and next to Sam at the auction. We didn't meet Daniel until he introduced himself to us when we were talking to Sam. He's friends with Sam too ... either that or related? I'm not sure??? Very nice man though and I'm glad he's a member here!

Yes, I want some of those Welsummer eggs. They are awesome dark! Grace, you bought some of them a while back too, didn't you?

Well I'm not related to Sam. I just met him through the auctions. I think he goes to pretty much every auction possible. Sam is a very intelligent man and knows more than I could ever imagine about poultry.
Yes, I think Sam's been an expert on poultry for many years, although Gerald and I only met him I guess a year ago when we started going to auctions. Too bad I don't know anyone that lives near him that would show him how to use a computer. He would absolutely love chatting with everyone here, as he is a bachelor and lives alone. I'd be willing to bet he does know more about poultry than most of us. I definitely want to invite him to the POOPS event.

I like how Sam determines the sexes of birds with his car keys too!
Oh Carla please do tell this one..............I have lots and lots of keys just laying around

Seriously! Sam needs to come to POOPS and demonstrate. It's like how some people can find water with a divining rod.
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