Okies in the BYC The Original

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They are very pretty! I vote that you keep them both
Ya know, the first time I went to this auction I was shocked that someone would want to stay up all night in a place like that (well, I was shocked at the sheer number of birds and eggs, too!). But, now I guess I've been enough times that it has definitely gotten a home-y feel, and I am so disappointed if I have to miss a auction night
Cammie, I'm glad to see that poultry keeps working it's way into your life
When I had Cayugas, the hen did lay greenish bluish eggs.
Just made it home....The kids were out of school, so we just
stayed in Ft. Smith and saved having to make the drive again
today for his post-op visit. Everything went super.... They
did his right eye first and he's up from 20/75 to 20/20 !!!!!!!
We'll do the left eye next Thursday.

Y'all talking about chickens hatching duck eggs brought back
some laughter. We had an old broody red hen, K-Campbell
ducks, kids, a little plastic swimming pool, built a little ramp
with a sliding board on the pool side, and have pictures of
the little duckies sliding down the board into the water and
the poor old hen going 100 miles an hour around the pool,
having a fit for "her" babies to get out of that water.

But, we did hatch duck eggs right along with chicken eggs
in the incubator, too. We just kept a spray bottle in the
bottom of the incubator so it would be the same temp,
and misted the duck eggs the last three days.

I sure miss the duck eggs for cooking/baking....they're
fantastic !

Have a good one !
Ya know, the first time I went to this auction I was shocked that someone would want to stay up all night in a place like that (well, I was shocked at the sheer number of birds and eggs, too!). But, now I guess I've been enough times that it has definitely gotten a home-y feel, and I am so disappointed if I have to miss a auction night

You just have to go to the Durant auction because you never know what you might miss out on!!
Hi Daniel,

And even if you're at the auction sometimes the fella that sits in front of you gets the best looking dark Welsummer hatching eggs I've ever seen.
I sure wish I had bid on those!

It was nice meeting you Tuesday. You son is sure a cutie!

I'm ready to take off work another Tuesday and go again. It's so much fun seeing what people have for sale .... even if the auction place is awful creepy!
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Hi Daniel,

And even if you're at the auction sometimes the fella that sits in front of you gets the best looking dark Welsummer hatching eggs I've ever seen.
I sure wish I had bid on those!

It was nice meeting you Tuesday. You son is sure a cutie!

Well thanks.... Those eggs are really dark and for 4.50 a dozen they were too cheep to pass up.
What all breeds of turkey hatching eggs did you tell me you had? Maybe when these welsummers hatch we could do some trading.
How did those peafowl look once you got them home? I only saw them in the little cages.

do you guys think of this??

Al is going to help me build one of his living room models BUT isn't this one cool. Does anyone have one? Is this a goody but oldie?

I am a hatching fool like I need chicks or to incubate BUT I want to build the living room model and the antique one is WAY COOL!! And it is way closer than the one I found in Stillwater
Hi Daniel,

And even if you're at the auction sometimes the fella that sits in front of you gets the best looking dark Welsummer hatching eggs I've ever seen.
I sure wish I had bid on those!

It was nice meeting you Tuesday. You son is sure a cutie!

Well thanks.... Those eggs are really dark and for 4.50 a dozen they were too cheep to pass up.
What all breeds of turkey hatching eggs did you tell me you had? Maybe when these welsummers hatch we could do some trading.
How did those peafowl look once you got them home? I only saw them in the little cages.

We raise Royal Palm, Bourbon Red, Blue Slate and Narragansett turkeys and they are laying really well right now. I have a few dozen due to hatch on Tuesday, and more every week after. We also have been selling eggs on eBay!!! Yes, we could surely do some trading.

The peacock pair look really nice. I haven't even had much time to look at them myself. It is tough trying to take care of all the birds and work full time too. Luckily I have the spare time at work to chat on the forum!!!!
I think it's beautiful! I love antiques. You could probably oil the exterior wood and it would be pretty enough for the living room! It looks like redwood. I don't think they had turners in them back in the old days though, did they?
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