Okies in the BYC The Original

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City - neat egg picture. I anticipate you'll get bigger eggs in the future. Nice color, too. My EEs rarely lay a big egg like the one in your photo. My whoppers come from a RIR hen and a LB hen. They usually take a break after laying the mammoth eggs, so sometimes I won't see another from them for two or three days.

NNBreeder - I want to have the five-gallon buckets outside my pens. I plan to put them on cinder blocks. A plant stand would work, too, as you suggested. Drilling into the bottom of the bucket to install the drinking nipples won't work, since the bucket will be outside the pen. To get the water from the bucket to the chickens, I'm going to drill into the side, near the bottom of the bucket, and then cement in a PVC pipe with drinking nipples installed along its length. Three is the maximum I'm planning. I think there will be enough water pressure for three. I'll take some pictures and tell everyone if this works after I've built and installed the first one. If an arm of PVC pipe doesn't work out, I will definitely drill into the bottoms of the buckets and use a plant stand to hold the buckets at a comfortable drinking height for the chickens.

I took some pictures of the new concrete slabs around our barn. The crew spread the dirt around a bit for me, and they even moved the original side door stoop (concrete pad) into place next to the west and south slabs. I may put a storage shed on that bit of concrete so I can keep rakes, brooms, hoses, etc. close to the barn. I'll try to remember to take pictures as the barn develops.
I didn't think about Chickasha I called all around Norman, OKC area Home Depot and Lowes don't carry the 1X2 or the 1/2X1 anymore and the 1/2X1 is very hard to find it's what I need to make the bottoms for the rabbit cages, I was thinking about using the 2X4 welded wire for the tops of the new pens I'm building the cheap stuff (not that any wire is cheap anymore LOL) it should work just fine to keep the owls and hawks at bay. I know a lot of people use hardware cloth around the outside bottom of their pens on the ground to keep amimals from digging in, wonder how well putting a couple feet worth of bricks around the pens would work I have plenty of them to do all my pens and a lot of future ones as well
Al, Jared didn't much action hunting around the pond last night but he shot at four birds and got three. This morning he shot another but it fell in the pond and the turtles got it before he could get it.
Al, I am sure you will do a great job with the lamb but for some reason, I don't like it.
When we were at the BBQ contest at Sam's some reps from New Zealand Lamb had a booth set up and were giving away free grill lamb. I ate some and actually liked it.
When everything was all done and they were breaking down there booth my buddy talked them into giving him the leftovers. I brought a nice big piece home and the next day I put it in the oven. But when I ate it, I just didn't like it.
There is just something about it.
I pulled to big pork shoulders off the smoker this morning and when I get back home this evening, I am gonna throw on a few yard birds.
Jason mentioned that this morning thinking they might have some... Are they open till when today?

Robert shut's down the store at 12 noon, but they are there in force till then. Don't scam my last bag of DE I haven't picked it up yet, he's saving it for me.


No worries we have plenty of DE left from our last purchase..... Wont be able to make it down there now... we have a our property restructure outlined on PAINT.. and are fixing to head outside and tear down the old barb wire to make way for the new design. I am so excited... Alot of hard work but going to be so worth it in the end... If you all can wish me much sun protection that would be great.. ha ha ha


HI partwyan
Pyrenees'/Anatolian puppies

I found this on Okiepioneers:

We have a friend with 6 Pyrenees/Anatolian cross puppies,approximately 7
weeks old. 4 solid white, 2 are brindle with a touch of white; they're
currently being raised with poultry, as they have sold all their goats and
are planning to move to a much larger city soon. $30.00 each.(yes, only

Email her directly at [email protected]<http://eieio.org/>
Glad you found us, It's the best thread on BYC Loads of very helpful folks

Yes, I agree, (I joined this summer) very nice folks and very helpful and knowledgable.

But watch out - you don't have to be on this thread long before you have an irresistable urge to get more chickens and anything else with feathers.
I think that I finally made the connection and put a face with your name.
I was up this morning at 5 and doing chores, then left at 7 to go to Duncan. We stopped at the Marlow flea market on the way home and although I recognized you as a frequent attendee at the auctions, I didn't make the connection between our conversation this morning about you hatching over 300 guineas and the 8 dozen guinea eggs you mentioned on this thread that you recently set -until I read this post. I almost said something to you this morning about a friend losing all her guineas recently and if I had, we could have made the connection this morning.
Glad I finally "know" who you are in person.
I am a little slow sometimes when it comes to putting names with faces.

Now, we just need to get Randy??? Andy??? on to BYC. He was selling guineas under a canopy just a few feet from you this morning and I didn't see him until after I talked to you. He was the one I got 20 guineas from - that were older than day olds when I got them from him.

So, did I get the right name with the right face?
A friend and I took our chickens to Chupp's this morning. We didn't stay long, but looked everythng over. There were a LOT of birds! several pairs of beautiful pheasants with golden heads--don't know the varietal name, some bantam NNs, lots of ducks and geese, and one beautiful peacock. Lots and lots of other birds and rabbits. I was very tempted to bid on a cockatiel, but was saved from myself when they were very late getting started and we decided to leave. Met a couple of nice people, one of whom said he'd check into Okies in the BYC.
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