Okies in the BYC The Original

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That is awful! People like that don't deserve animals if they can't keep them responsibly. Allowing their dog to run loose after being confronted is the same as killing it themselves. If they really cared about it, they would keep it at home. If you do end up shooting it, it's death will be on their hands, not yours.

So true. We have cat hoarders by us and I feel so bad for all the beautiful kittens I see that I know will not have a good end. All the suffering could have been prevented with just some low cost Spay/Neutering a number of generations ago. Our dog and and one of our cats came from there. We ask them to give us the dog because we knew he had a terrible infection and would die because they wouldn't take him to the vet. The cat was one of their"lucky" house cats that escaped and would rather live in our garage than their house. When he kept returning even though they kept coming to get him and take him back. So i had him neutered and he keeps the other cats from coming in the garage and spraying.
They used to have chickens, don't want to know what happened to them.
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Good morning all. I think were going to hit up the flea market in Marlow this morning. Then Cement This afternoon. My back is still so sore and I have to take my motorcycle to duncan to get worked on today.
where are you Dove hunting this weekend? I hear shots coming from the pasture down the road, stop by for some coffee.
if your in the pasture you can read this, oh well the coffee is still hot.

Good morning all. Today is going to be a long day. I'm sitting here wondering why I didn't stay in bed. I usually stay in bed on Saturday until Lauren gets up. She is still sawing logs. Something told me to get up when Andrew headed to work. We are headed to the rodeo tonight. It should be fun. It will be the first year that Lauren should be able to remember it. We usually go every year, but missed last year. She is excited about going. She gets to wear her John Deere boots and Carhartt outfit. She got the boots for her birthday and Atwoods now has the cute Carhartt outfits on sale 50% off. I have been looking at these outfits for 6 months, but I refuse to give $30 for a pair of jeans that I know she will outgrow or destroy in a couple of months. I picked her up a set yesterday. They also had some JD shirts on sale, so I had to get each of the kids a new one. Her favorite colors are green and yellow.
Sorry that might have happened to you P&B maybe you didn't and if you did just tell them you reported yourself to stop enabling yourself lol

I backed out of the internet as fast as I could, with that little "updating" wheel spinning. It would just be so ironic that I couldn't get a lengthy written message to post, but the wrong button went through lickety split.

I'm sure you're fine. You have to hit the report button, wait for the page to load, type in an explanation of the problem, then hit submit (or whatever the next button says??)
... Jason and I inquired about them stocking up the place with game bird.... they said no... not enough folks to purchase them... we offered to order a pallet but they still said no... Sometimes I have felt going in there that unless I am a man and have been living here for X amount of years they would be polite.. but because I am an "outta towner" I dont qualify... whats even funnier... I was treated the same way(not pleasant) by the vet up on Porter Hill when I was having a goat emergency until he saw my neighbor hop out of my truck then he litterally changed his tune and was very attentive and has been a pleasure to do business with ever since...

My elderly neighbor is well known among these parts(something we found out quickly when describing where we lived in Elgin). I might have to have him come with me to the CO OP because he goes down there all the time in the early morning to shoot the breeze with all the other old guys drinking coffee and I bet that guy that runs the CO OP will be a lil bit more nicer again it shouldnt have to come to that to be nice to a customer.

Sheesh I ranted.. ha ha ha
Thanks P&B I really needed that perspective. See I told ya I need to relearn that NO word
Can't drop any classes due to the grants I get and also because I am graduating in May....I think I might just stay home today!

On another note--
kassundra you will love it here...the people are great and they soon become some really great friends
Morning Jeannie, I slept in a bit this morning and just getting around to coffee Been catching up on posts (lurking) I was up late in the pen with Tink and the girls working on a project and they are so friendly and curious they follow me all over the pen and one of the hens stays right besides me and if I reach for something low she tries to get my wedding band LOL She is fascinated with it.
We have the same problem in this area no one keeps their dogs put up and being well out of any town there are no ordanances regarding them, I don't have fences around the whole property and we get dogs wandering through all the time most don't bother anyting except carefully placing "landmines" all along the driveway not sure why they come here to do that but as long as they don't try to bother the birds or rabbits I guess I can live with it LOL Our dogs are both over a hundred pounds and never leave the property and don't bother anyones livestock, They are a Rottie and a Bull Mastif and the best dogs on the planet. Ever since we had a stray try to get at the rabbits Dutchess the Rottie has taken to sleeping by the rabbits I worry about her defending the area like that cause she's 15 years old and not really a match for a pack of strays or coyotes and last night the coyotes were in the woods out back of the house calling to some others that were to the south of us quite a ways off.
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