Okies in the BYC The Original

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Okiemommy - so sorry that you didn't make it to POOPS so I didn't get to meet you in person. Another time, I hope to do that . frow

Me too!

Hopefully we can have a fall poops, and hopefully my DH and I can make it out!!


Now we have some severe storms coming up from Chickasha/Lawton etc area in SW Oklahoma. They are moving NE. They also just issued another tornado for the vici area in NW Oklahoma. They have been getting hammered up there.
Wow that is very nice. Was good to meet you this weekend. Hummmmmmm 100 eggs a week.................get an incubator. Oh wait that is step 3 isnt it.
Step 1...........build a coop (now if you like me this is step 2)
Step 2..........get some birds(again if your like me this is step1)
Step 3..........get an incubator
Step 4..........start hatching
Step 5 .........repeat step 4 over and over and over again.

Nifty thanks, we did have a great time. We will do it again.
I thought step 1 was to get a bunch of chickens?

You know I generally shy away from crowds of people and have mild anxiety attacks at gatherings like this but yesterday I had a blast! This morning I woke up feeling better than I have in a long time, a lot like I had been on vacation.
Cept I don't have a rooster - hard to hatch those eggs

Yeah isn't it
step 1 - get chickens without planning ahead
step 2 - throw something together to put them in till you can build a coop

Uh, spoiled is putting it mildly. Gabi wanted an "older" chick so that it wouldn't be in danger of dying, she says. This chick is about the same age as the RIR and BO I bought and it is now with them in the brooder hutch in the coop. As soon as I can trust my red sex link hen to leave them all alone, then I'll be turning them loose in my coop and run. Gabi has already been out holding this chick and carrying it around the coop and run.
Who'd a thunk it ????????? Take a big bunch of folks, coming
from all different directions, most virtually strangers, confine them
to a clubhouse/patio/front yard...........and everyone have
a total blast.....................We sure did !!!!!!!!

Good food, good folks, good stories, ...........Makes for an
"awesome" outing. Yup, we'll be at the next one, too.

Everyone near these storms this evening, please check in
as soon as you possibly can and let us know that you're OK.

Have a good one !

P.S. Yes, Al, I remember you handing them to me....and I
remember setting them with some of my other stuff...and I
remember Pa-Pa and TJ were loading stuff in the truck......
But, somewhere in my travels...LOL...I have misplaced two
great big stainless bowls. If anyone comes across them,
hang onto them for me..........Thanks
We left around 1030 this morning and headed for home...surprisingly got home around 1230...I must have been flying down the road..don't know how I made it in 2 hours!!

Didn't tell hubby we were on the way home..thought I'd surprise him, but he wasn't home when we got here...he'd gone out to eat lunch with his parents! So the twins and I were able to get all the birds settled and unload the truck and get it cleaned out before he made it home.

The quail are now in an aquarium *in the living room*...I've got the aquarium lights on them so they will have a little warmth and I learned real quick that I can't use a regular chick waterer with them...one took a swim and was gulping for life...I held it in my hand and kind of "swung" it until the water came out of its mouth and lungs and it started cheeping again...now it's running around with the others again. I ended up hanging a hamster waterer from the aquarium edge and they've figured out how to drink from it. They seem settled and not so jumping now....at least I'll have time to work on building a hutch for the bigger quail before they grow up.

Carla, how old is the little tiny black silkie chick that Abby bought from you? She's obsessed with this chick and has been carrying it around so much the darned thing cheeps like crazy when she puts it down. I fixed up a hamster cage for it for a little while with a 25 watt bulb in it to help keep it warm. It's just too little to put in with the ducks that are in the baby brooder....but the ducks are growing so fast they'll be out of there soon and then the silkie can go in there about the same time the new babies hatch out....

I'm going to candle my batch of eggs in the bator tomorrow night and take out any that aren't even questionable. But then if I put in the other eggs I'll have a problem when the first set is ready to hatch and these ones are a week behind...LOL. I really *do* need another incubator, but I can't justify spending more $$ when I'm not even supposed to be adding more birds....I'll figure this out, I swear I will...

I'm off to go pick up my 9 year old from her Houston trip and then I'll be doing laundry the rest of the night....

I had such a good time meeting everyone...I didn't realize everyone was still up talking til 2am or I'd have gone back up there after the kids were down for the night...I couldn't sleep and figured everyone had gone to bed....

Talk with ya'll after a bit!
I just want to say to those of you that didn't make it to POOPS, You really missed it!

Of course there were chickens there, but the fellowship and new friends we met was the best part......... and the food, Al did a supper job and all those that brought sides. Everything was sooooooo good.

I just want to thank everyone for such a grand time.

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