Okies in the BYC The Original

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Dear Okies

Heaven's I can't even put it into words... I have never met more selfless caring folks. Al... you know how I feel about you, buddy. You outdid yourself and are the Smokin' King! Teach... you can always make me laugh... thanks for Fanny (Mike named her *sigh*) Your "sermon" this morning was really awesome... thanks for reminding me that I need more faith and trust! PoultryandBees... you rock girlfriend.. thanks for "everything". TJsnana... thanks for making me feel not so lousy about not being able to cook and stuff. City... thanks for the prayers and hugs...they are much appreciated. Luvs... thanks for making me feel like one of the bunch.... and Monty...dear Monty... your heart for God and people is written all over ya.. You are a great witness of His love for the brethren. Stimp was great to meet you and Lou and have laughs in person! Kendra...You got it goin' on...you and TJ are awesome... And Cuban...thanks for my new girl... I love her... she rode all the way home on my lap! This was one of the most trying weeks I have ever had and all y'all made it bearable for me...Thank you so much.....

My Mom is doing OK and has decided now she doesn't want the stinking cat!
We beat the storms... I hope Teach did... I just got my coop and run scrubbed when they came rollin' in with... rain!!! Woo-Hoo!!!

Here's some of my pix....

The Master

The Chickens (cooked)

Luvs being crazy!


The spread!

One cool guest!!


The Wingman and the Supervisor!


Chickens (uncooked)


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Hey I got that job Covered
buy the time we ate I didn't need much..Just a small plate then a lot of Dessert
I know how to pace myself.. Being around where the food was cooking was great cause you got to see what was next on the grill..But I learned a long time ago, it's better to be near the finished product when it's time to eat


I am part of Buckguys Posse


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Can you believe Abby thought the little silkie would be lonely in the cage by herself so she put one of the quail chicks in with her for the night...I swear I'm raising daughters that will spoil birds more than I do.
OK everybody !!!! at POOPS I saw more digital cameras than chickens, so lets see those great pic's of our fantastic get together.

I met so many wonderful folks I will definitly take my time to relate to you how much I enjoyed visiting with them.

Thanks for the advice that sounds like a great idea to get something growing in there, I pull weeds everyday and throw it to them, I feel bad they don't have real food

The dog house on the side used to be the coop, now it is supposed to hold nesting boxes (If I ever get some built), the rest of the coop used to be a run - this was the coop last year -


You will have to post pics when they get bigger, I'm curious how they will end up looking, whatever they are
Hey OKcarla...here are your babies - they are just cute as buttons! And thanks to Sooner who brought them to me!



and Sonya- glad you got one of mine... wonder who got the others?
I brought my camera with GREAT intentions!! I got the picture of Al at the smokers and then let my daughter use it and she got a picture of a baby possum and all the baby ducks and geese and then said the battery died. I saw everyone else with cameras, so I put mine away and left it at that....

I wanna see more pics too that other people took
I am finally home!! I am wore out, it has been a really long weekend but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I had such a good time. Luvs I already miss you! I really should of stuck around Sat night considering I didnt get to bed much before you guys. Monty, Al & Teach where are you guys??? I am glad everyone got home safe (Teach we are still waitin on ya).

Birdluv it was Luvs that got the other two of your babies. She is really easy cause she got mine too, not to mention those JG she got from that sweet little girl. LOL!

I got mine settled in for the night, I'm really glad to be in my easy chair. I am working on my pic's, don't know if I will get them up tonight or not. I will also be sending out PM's if I am un-sure if you want you pic posted or not.
Carah :

hehe it is great I know everybody's real names now so much better and more personal, we are all friends now. Me and my recliner have renewed our love affair as soon as I got home
, I will be very sad tomorrow when I must say goodbye to my new girlfriend you remember her we were inseperable this weekend, she was long and sleak, Black, and hot as the dickens and when she opened her mouth she breathes fire, hehehe and boy could she put away the meat, yes that would be the SMOKER !!!. I will return it sadly on monday with many thanks to Arvest Bank.

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