Okies in the BYC The Original

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I think I'm going to head off to bed. It's been a long weekend, but oh so much fun. Kids are tucked in, hubby is working until 4am and I need to be up at 6am to get the girls ready for school and then back to work...wish I could take the day off!

Sleep well everyone...Teach, you'd better check in soon!
She was one hot babe!! I had a great time getting to visit with you and everyone else!! In case you didn't get a pic of your new love!

I am here...kinda. That was possible the longest trip from the city on record. It rained...it blew...the radio made a funny sound the boys were asleep and they said words that were rude. We pulled over let one storm pass...drove to a friend's house in Clinton (let storms go north while we continued west...found a break in the storm and out ran it and performed a flanking manuever that Al would have found inspiring and Stimpy would have improved upon!
We out ran the storms didn't get too wet. Got everything unloaded and bedded down...gotta teach the boys to care for the stock first!

I agree...I ain't got the words! All I know is that I will be insulted if you don't stop in if you are in the neighborhood!

Ya'll have a good one...I gotta go to sleep.

PS - I can neither confirm nor deny the existence of any reptile type animal...and that is my story! I believe I can have witness available for deposition!
Me too Sonya, we seemed to always be passing each other going somewhere! We are close enough to meet again soon.....I really want to go to an auction since I didn't get to do the Jones one on Sat night. I really need to follow Luvs advice and get my stuff built before I get anything else. LOL!!

LOL, my mistake that is your dad! I was thinking of another pic.

I have 43 pic's not all worth posting but most are great!


Teach so glad you have checked in! Sorry you have a rough trip but you are safe and sound!! Get some rest
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You are NOT big and ugly. You look like my dad. He lives in California and the rare times that I get to see him, he always gives me the best BEAR hugs ever. I didn't get one of your hugs, but I bet Henny is right on track when she says you that you give the best hugs ever.

Nice to put names to faces. Keep em' coming.

Oh teach, you look great too. Love the t-shirt!
The westside of the circle:

The Eastside of the circle:

West side toward the club house:

Some of the master minds:

Tina aka Luvs and her man (forgot his name): Great pic if I don't say so myself

Al & Teach:

Letting the food settle before doing it all over again or was this AI??

TJ's PaPa, I love this one;
Poultry and Bees, tonight I was moving things around and I flushed out a rodent and it made the mistake of running through my bantam pen that has some full sisters to the hens that you got. Lets just say it didn't make it across and I swear those hens were grinning!
Carah, That was way to cool. I hope you had as much fun as I did.
It was really nice meeting you. Thanks for all the hard work.
Hopefully can all get together again this fall. Tell your mom thanks for the fryer. Heck I didn't even get to use it.
I am not used to four hours of sleep. I gotta find out how Al does it.

Teach glad you made it home safely. How is the voice.
Remember ball pene hammers and 22 shells are not a match.
well its startin to storm here.we been all day gettin birds put up an fed an watered.gets hard to house all the roosters sometimes.just have to change them around from pen to pen till you find the ones that get along.I want give a good thanks again for all that good food Al Monty an everyone else.i been still full all day.as you can tell i never been pushed away from the dinner table lol.my son bj has been talkin about POOPS all day.he has bee askin when we are going again.we are definatly going to rent a cabin next trip so we can visit alot more then we did.an i want to get in on helpin with them smokers.enjoyed everyones nice company. okiehen my buddy john picked me up 1 of those dz welsumner eggs we just got them set along with a batch of teachs quail eggs here i go back in the quail bussiness again:eek:[
OK, I'm big time JEALOUS! I don't even want to talk about it. No really, it looks and sounds like POOPS was a load of fun. The pics are great, especially putting some faces to names. I'm really hungry after looking at all the food. Maybe one of these years I can make one but for now I will just have to settle for maybe an auction when I'm there in June. Anybody fix me up with some info on that? I'll be in between OKC and Chickasha.

While chaperoning the school outing, in honor of you guys at POOPS, I did some chicken supply purchasing of my own. I got more run fencing, cages, hatching eggs (delaware and blue-egg EE), and chickens (EE hen, Astralorp roo, and Mille Fleur roo). I had to make room for all the new chicks
and the chickens came as part of the package. Anyone need a black astralorp roo?

I am feeling old. After most of the school kids went home with parents when the concert was over, my wife took my daughter to pick out a prom dress. Once they found it they disturbed my bargain hunting to get visual approval and...my little girl is grown up!
Oh well, I guess it happens to all of us. Sorry to go on about it.

I will keep a look out for more POOPS pics. Congrats Monty and all, sounds like a HUGE success.

Have a great week all you Okies.
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