Okies in the BYC The Original

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My wife just told me that Mike Morgan at channel 4 here in OKC came on the TV to alert folks about a PDS tornado watch. Thats a new one for me it stands for Particularly Dangerouse Situation.
At first I thought she said PMS tornado warning which when you think about it is pretty much the same thing.

Seriously though I hope all our folks out west made it home ok. Been some rough stuff out that way.
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I cant wait till the 2010 PooPers event. If things work out like i plan (not that they ever do) ill have eggs/chicks for Mottled Japs/buff and white black tailed japs, BBS silkies,BBS Orp bantams, and Barred Rock bantams. The last two if I can get a good hatch out of these eggs I got cooking. I enjoy the photos, but i wish i knew who was who in them
Dont be shy and list your names, your all beutiful peoples
POOPS stands for People Of Oklahoma Poultry Swap! Children are very welcome - in fact, at POOPS yesterday I learned as much about chickens from kids as from anyone else. Thank you BJ (little bigokie), Dakota (little Greybear) and Roy & Clayton (little Teaches) for showing me all the ducks, pigeons, quail and fancy chickens, and for answering all my (dumb) questions - I appreciate it!

Thanks also to Shaun and Evan and TJ and everyone else who sold raffle tickets - you guys are great! One of my other favorite things was watching Corey (little Cuban) wrangle with Teach for quail - talk about some in-depth negotiating!
I'm so sorry I missed it!!!!

You okies be careful!!! There is a tornado on the ground heading towards Camargo, Vici, Mutual, Sestos, Richmond, Seiling, etc in NW Oklahoma. It's been on the ground for 15 min.

The PDS thing that Monty was talking about it is basically the same as saying that there is a high probability of a tornado outbreak.

Stay Safe folks!
In case anyone is curious, Atwoods in Norman has about 4 varieties of ducks.
I tried to determine (after the fact of course) what varieties they carry, by looking at the web site of Ideal. I think "we" got a black or blue Swedish duck, and the other black duck and the two yellow ducks have a chance of being runner ducks. I think we avoided the biggest breeds of ducks that Ideal sells, by not getting the yellow ducks that were larger.
John are you the one that got my welsummer eggs?
If so thank you and best of luck with your hatch sorry I didn't get to be there to meet you all in person any way

Looks like a great turn out maybe next time.
Gosh that looks like it was a FANTASTIC ChickenStock! Great job to everyone who helped make this happen!!!


After every chickenstock we ask that the organizers post their thoughts on what worked really well for organizing things (the time, place, activities, announcements, nametags, introductions, etc.) and what things they wish they maybe would have done differently.

Again, great job everyone! I know there are going to be a ton of group meetings this summer and super successful meetings like these really help!
Hi all........Sorry I didnt make it back this morning. Didnt have a truck I could drive and then didnt have internet this morning for some reason. I had a thing typed up on notepad but everyone said exactly what I wanted to say also. Thanks for all the work that went into putting this together.

WOW I had the best time ever. Met the best people ever. Hope to do this again. Oh yea, hunting guys, checked the Oklahoma hunting seasons and they start in October...........

Everyone in line of the tornado please be safe.

Nana and Papa, the 2 are safe and sound IN THE HOUSE. She laid an egg.(was she AI'ed) Lynn has renamed them Mr. and Mrs. Bouffant. Mr B, for short, does not like Lynn at all. The coop I had put them in was not to good to be in if we get any kind of storm so Lynn moved them into the house. Heck why not got 130+ new chicks in here now. OH Monty pretty good hatch huh, you bring 96 eggs and we now have 130+ chicks. The other eggs were not even to start till tomorrow.
Well this is what I spent the friday before POOPs doing, then didn't have time cause of POOPs to post the finished product - as you can tell - not big enough for 19 standard chickens! Hopefully I can remedy that soon..... what would I do with 100 eggs a week anyway??





The space its on was our garden last year and had already been tilled to be our garden this year hence the lack of grass and once the pullets are bigger there are hooks to hand the feeder and waterer
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