Okies in the BYC The Original

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See my signature line for the number to call and the date. You will bring 2 chickens to practice on and learn how to draw a drop of blood, put it into the antigen on a white board and mix it, then wait 60 seconds and "read" the results.
The class is given at the Department of Agriculture, a few blocks north of the Capitol on Lincoln. Marie will send you the information when you call her and give her your address. You pay your fee at the time of the class on June 12.
Come join us!
You will meet at least 6 Okies in the BYC that day, if not more.

do we have to use adult birds? or can they be two/three months old?
I don't have enough of the large egg trays myself, so I just put a turkey egg in a chicken egg tray and put smaller eggs around the turkey egg to help hold it in place. So far, it works great!
My dad picked up a fifty pound bag last night... So I think I'm set.... 7 chicks + 1 fifty pound bag of chick starter = lasting for a few weeks at least.

I don't have enough of the large egg trays myself, so I just put a turkey egg in a chicken egg tray and put smaller eggs around the turkey egg to help hold it in place. So far, it works great!

Thats clever, i wouldnt of thought of that. I realyyyyyyyyyyyy need to find a used sportsman someone where close. Perhaps I should find the cash first this time
My dad picked up a fifty pound bag last night... So I think I'm set.... 7 chicks + 1 fifty pound bag of chick starter = lasting for a few weeks at least.

lol, ought to last you at least a month if not two or three!
Hey guys, I need some help with a good name for the new thread for the POOPS recipe 'book'. In case you missed it last night,
I figure just POOPS in the title should turn some heads. Any ideas? You guys usually end up making me hungry with all the food talk and everyone went on about POOPS food, so why not?

"POOPS food and more"?
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Didn't know about the soapy water thing, but I would almost use a flamethrower to kill a wasp!

Honey I killed some wasp today but there is something I need to tell ya about the house. LOL


That's how I am with most vermin (i.e. 'coons, rats {Though I will admit that I like fancy rat you buy at the pet store.}, Opossums {Yes I ADORED the babies at POOPS, but the adult just need to be banished}.)
Roaches are another thing I can't stand
Some snakes, No matter the size, I could sit there and play with for hours.
My dad picked up a fifty pound bag last night... So I think I'm set.... 7 chicks + 1 fifty pound bag of chick starter = lasting for a few weeks at least.

lol, ought to last you at least a month if not two or three!

'til you need to buy the bag of egg layer.
I was watching the news...don't recommend that. Bad economy...swine flu...wars..rumors of wars...Could life get any farghing weirder??

P.S. Why do we put up with short little dictators' krap?
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Stray the birds to be tested need to be at least four months old I believe. But if I were you I would call and talk to Marie about it. Maybe someone could bring an extra bird for you to practice on. The class is very informative and when Teva and I went through it there were two ladies in it that were about your age.
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