Okies in the BYC The Original

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Sorry, I lost my internet conection. here are a few more pics.


Big Q : My brother in drag, you can't leave me in this Asylum alone with all the crazy hens, I won't make it I tell Ya I won't make it man.

What ever is weighing on your mind I am here if you need me, I am sure you will do what is right. I for one might not fare so well without ya.

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Good Evening Okies

Just got our supper overwith. Deer steak, Mash Taters, corn, sweet peas.... YUMMY!

We worked this evening out in our barn... We WONT be getting anymore goats, so I talked to Doc and we are going to add 4 more chicken pens to the 3 we already have, in our barn. We will now have pens for 7 different breeds. Plus a Big pen for our Yard birds, that will have the run of the place.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful evening. Montana has been sick with the upper respiratory $%@# thats going around. Now I have it and so does my mom.... Hope no one else gets it. Nasal congestion, body aches, fever, and talking about the lungs and bronchials... WOW!
Q - you just made the prayer list so hang on things are gonna happen! We just pray...we let thr Lord figure out what needs to be done!

I need to post some pics of my moderns....kinda looks like that...if you crossed in some regular game

We ran the panhandler off
Haven't you ever heard. "Never get in the way of a woman and her food"?

I was talking more about people getting chatty... been quiet most of the day on here...
Is it me or do we seem to have a ton of Okie GFM members here, every time I come on we have new ones. now who can we help choose a title, I think I saw Sooner and Peaches are new GFM's.

Roy : I saw a gal on the board today and directed her this way once I saw she was from no man's land out your way, thought you could use the company.

You the man!

I tried to send a couple others this way as well...

one had extra roos they didn't want, didn't want anything like dinner to happen to them...

Tried to ask the panhandler where they were at...no response
I think the girls were mean
Neecy, what species of bird did you hatch? Sounds like I need to get some of those!

Yes I do still have a lone Andalusian boy (a twin to yours)...... did something happen to yours?

Nope nothing happen to him, I was just considering getting one with the spikey things on his comb. Mine got his bit this winter.

I hatched out broiler chicks (cornish cross?) They was already incubated when I got them so I just plunked them in the bator and PRESTO out pops chicks!
I needed them to hatch Wednesday but they have ALL hatched today, all 24 of them!! They are HUGE and yellow fluffy butts. So much for letting the kids see chicks hatch!
extra roo's not served up for dinner ?????????? the h3ll you say?????? I think they may have scared the other one off, we can come off as friendly and some country folks don't take kindly to smiles and hand shakes...........just sayin.

What ya been up to Roy, fish are startin to bite soon.

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