*** OKIES in the BYC ***

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I'm definitely ready for the snow to be gone. Today I got to climb on top of the greenhouse and slither across on my belly to push all the snow off. Once it started to melt, some of the metal supports started to bend on one end of the roof and one of the clear panels separated under the weight. Now I am ready for the next round of snow on Wednesday, so I can climb back up and jettison it while it is still light and fluffy.

The Buckeyes were out in their run today stretching their legs and wings and enjoying the reappearance of their dirt.

People Of Oklahoma Poultry Swap
It is a get together we have had 3 times now and we have made T-shirts for each event. Those of us who have the T-shirt often wear them to auctions as a way to introduce others to our BYC group. The shirts haven't actually used the word "POOPS" on them since the first get together, but we all know what "People of Oklahoma Poultry Swap" stands for and can giggle about it.

In the past, we assembled at the KOA in Choctaw for a Saturday of visiting, eating, a poultry auction and entertainment.

This year, we will have the event on Saturday, May 14 at the Fletcher FFA barn in Fletcher, OK.
There is no purchasing of them. Donations are accepted to the "Save the Icelandics," fund, in Iceland. I will be happy to bring as many chicks as wanted to POOPS!

Just tell us how to make the donation - check or PayPal.
Sand would be a good idea. Do you change it out when it gets covered in poo? I have wood shavings using the deep litter method in my coops, but the runs are muddy where the snow has melted.
Kathy Icelandic Chickens are an amazing breed and Being that I am a breeder of alot of ""Heritage Chickens"" I started my adventures trying to collect some Icelandic Chickens. I managed to get a rooster. I am thinking of Breeding over my black minorca's. However His lineage is definatly Questionable. How has your heritage programs been going havent heard or talked to you in Quite Sometime. I am very pleased to say I have Spent all winter long buying Several breeds from several reputable Sources. Like Twisted Feather farms. Chris tamio if i spelled that right. black australorps from Jacob Duffee. I got alot of suprises come spring time.
I must admit its been a very stressful long expensive road to refurbish my farm from hatchery stock to show stock. But definatly worth the effort.

BTW Okies in BYC. I am gonna solve alot of your fix problems this blanchard auction. I am bringing loads and loads of spring ready chicks. 4 months old to 1 month olds. Plymouth white rocks barred rocks. Blue standard cochins Blue bantams. Lots of standard and bantam cochin frizzles I guess I am bringing roughly 50-100 chicks. Black and blue minorca's. Probably some cornish bantams. Mille fluer duccle's, Some Mixed bred chicks. Sex links, Pure Ameruacana's. I have aprox 800 eggs in my bators as well been getting 35+ eggs a day on slow days. all and all This is gonna be a good year I can feel it. I am not sure the exact numbers. I havent yet sat down and seperated my keepers. But I guess its gonna be alot. Just hope I can get a truck.
Also for alot of you chicken lovers that dont really mind. I am doing a spring Cull on my laying hens and roosters. Judging on Development, weight, Comb structures, Body formation. Will be bringing those as well. We have decided here at MM Poultry Farms only to breed the best to the best. Before we were struggling to even get birds but I have had alot of doors magically Open for me this winter. anyhow. If you cant make it to the auctions and are interested in some spring time birds feel free to contact me at mmpoultryfarms.com or [email protected] or just send a PM.
Yes I read a lot of it, I really enjoyed the part I read, of course I had to click on translate as I can't read Islandic!!!! If all go well maybe I can have you ship me some eggs or we could meet half way or in Tulsa sometime you are headed this way for something!!! Thanks, Lynn

Our "dirt" is naturally sandy, which makes it good for drainage and junk for gardening. The runs for that coop are big enough that the poo doesn't build up. I'm using the deep litter method inside, which has really done wonders for keeping it warmer inside than out. The quail runs get pretty soupy since the roof slopes the wrong way and water drips into them. I was on top of their coop yesterday pushing the snow off before it melted. Otherwise I step into their run and get bogged down in quicksand. It looks firm enough, until you try to put a boot in it and realize what a horrible mistake you just made.
Our "dirt" is naturally sandy, which makes it good for drainage and junk for gardening. The runs for that coop are big enough that the poo doesn't build up. I'm using the deep litter method inside, which has really done wonders for keeping it warmer inside than out. The quail runs get pretty soupy since the roof slopes the wrong way and water drips into them. I was on top of their coop yesterday pushing the snow off before it melted. Otherwise I step into their run and get bogged down in quicksand. It looks firm enough, until you try to put a boot in it and realize what a horrible mistake you just made.

Kwartel hows the buckeye chicks coming along? Sherri said hers were doing wonderfully. Growing like champs and very nice and dark plumage. Hope your happy with them and Thats a very nice rooster you got there.
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