Oklahoma Ice Storm

Katy, Sorry about the electricity going out. I know you were concerned about that. Hopefully you didn't lose your eggs. Maybe there is still hope.
I'm glad your chics are warm and cozy by your wood stove. Keep warm!
Take care,
My grandson goes to college in Maryville and they have lost their power off and on for a couple days now. He was to come home for the holidays on the fourteenth but he said they cancelled finals today and might be releasing them early for the holidays. He was to come home via friends but I hope those kids don't try to drive now. Hopefully their parents will go get them as the roads are all iced over up there. My daughter is going to try to get him if she can make it. Oklahoma has it worse from what we see on t.v. Hope all our byc friends are ok.
Where I live we have been very fornuate not to get any of the bad stuff. To the south of us they have been getting the ice. We have had alot of cold freezing rain but no ice storms yet. We had a bad icestorm years and years ago and power was out for a week. Now the power company regularly cut downs tree branches that overhang power lines. The trees and stuff look they are coated in ice. Ice storms are the worse cause you can't drive very safely on ice other than to go very slow. People here in Mich are pretty road cautious when it comes to driving in bad weather. We have had plenty of expeirence lol.
Before and after for my beautiful front yard tree


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Buckguy..........well....for buckguy , I am praying for you all.....wish I had phone number for you. I have a generator you could use . Please pray for all those without power it is cold and getting colder..........harder to stay in your home without heat as the days pass.......sure hope this ends soon.

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