Old and Rare Breeds

Whose hatching what Rare Breed these days? How long have you been at it? What is your breeding method(s)? How many chicks do you have out?

Asil: I've around 120 out thus far. I single mate my Asil and have had them for around 10-12 years.

Cubalaya: I've around 100 out thus far: mostly Blacks. I family mate my Cubalayas and have also had them around 10-12 years.

Don't let anyone fool you. To improve a breed or line quantity and quality go hand in hand. You can't have one without the other.
Most of my breeds are pretty standard but I do have 6 Yokohama egg in the incubator right now as a birthday present for my grown son who has always eyed them in print but never actually seen them. It was difficult to come up with the eggs so I am pretty excited for him. They are due to hatch on the 29th. I use 98.8 temp with 45/50% RH til lockdown them up the RH. I use that for my Marans (and actually everything else too)& don't think these eggs would be any different. I am having good hatches (except for my Dominiques, only 3 out of a dozen shipped eggs) so I have my fingers crossed.
Karen in California
Only wish I had a big breeding program. In time, we'll add more pullets and another stag or two, but for now it's just the pair. I'm finding myself very picky about how the Shamo must look in order for me to purchase it or its relatives.
Our only Rare Breed is Red Dorking. We've only had them 2 years. Last year didn't hatch a single female! So we added the best cockerel to the pen in case it has something to do with the first cock bird. We family mate for right now, but will likely single mate if we hatch enough quality breeding stock this year. I have 7 due to hatch sunday & they all look viable. Our first few hatches were awful (3 cockerels, 1 pullet in January) so I finally upgraded my incubator. The last hatch was mostly shipped eggs & that wasn't good - but it looks like 3 of the 4 chicks are pullets.
I am hatching Buckeyes, and White Rocks.
The white rocks are for an breeding program to better level the backs and improve the type on my Rhode Island Whites.
The Black Javas are perfect and require no messing around, beautiful birds, thank God, I have no more pens for yet another breeding program.
So, I guess I am hatching Buckeye, White Rocks, Black Javas & Rhode Island Whites.

I am hatching eggs for another breeder of game & I have zero idea what they are other than 'blue' and "expensive"
Rhode Island Reds (Rose and Single Comb)
Russians (Russian Orloff) Spangled
Polish (non-bearded, White Cap) Blue, Black, Splash and Self White
Turkeys in Black and Blue Slate/Self Blue
Silver Appleyard Duck

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Silly me... I didn't hatch them, but I bought a dozen Dominique chicks. They're only 4 weeks old. Not as rare as Dorkings, but they're a beautiful breed. I have NYREDS line, so I feel very confident in their quality.
The Pyncheons are just starting....I've only got two new chicks hatched so far this Spring....I'm working on it though...I hope everyone else has a great hatching season.

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