old doggy--tricks to make her eat? pg. 6

I started putting Salmon oil on my dogs dry food, they gobble it down all the time now. It's also VERY good for their skin and cardiovascular health. I got it at Costco but I know many order it online or some even use the salmon oil capsules that you get in the vitamin section.

Their fur and skin has never looked better .

Also chicken broth is good.... either homemade or a low sodium one.

I also save the broth/water from anything i cook..and use that to wet my dogs food. it gives the food more flavor.
I also suggest trying the catfood in her dryfood to make it more appealing. There is nothing in catfood that will hurt her, but if cat food is the only thing she eats for a long time that could lead to nutritional deficiencies. People also try mixing in human babyfood for animals that are sick or recovering (vet clinics often have a case of babyfood in the back).

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