Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Thanks for your understanding-- We have lost a rooster this week--not sure how. ANd there has been enormous destruction of woodland across the road awaiting 45+ houses. A huge loss to the native wildlife! I've always tried to be understanding of the native creatures, with deer and coyote passing thru on their own trails across our land, but with this extra temptation of chicks, how can I blame them for needing a meal. Best to remove temptation.

Do you have room in your brooder for momma too? Then you could have both the safety and the added comfort of knowing they are being taken care of even when you can't be there with them? I totally understand you trying to protect them, but if momma raises them it is sooooooo much easier!! I've done it both ways.

Lost another hen this morning--coyote pasted the coop and came up to the house and left a zillion feathers. My son was screaming bloody murder at the coyote ( baseball bat in hand) but it made off with it's meal. Boys quickly figured out it was one of their favs.
I have put up fencing to push the coyote out of the area and dwhile I was finiashing the girls were russling in the woods well past the trail !!!! Destined to become dinner unless I get more fencing in place.

Broody hen was put in the coop with her friends last night and woke up ready to scavenge for the day. I do have 3 eggs in the incubator--will give them a few days.

A BA has decided to go broody but can't make up her mind which nest box of eggs to sit on!!
Do you have room in your brooder for momma too? Then you could have both the safety and the added comfort of knowing they are being taken care of even when you can't be there with them? I totally understand you trying to protect them, but if momma raises them it is sooooooo much easier!! I've done it both ways.

Lost another hen this morning--coyote pasted the coop and came up to the house and left a zillion feathers. My son was screaming bloody murder at the coyote ( baseball bat in hand) but it made off with it's meal. Boys quickly figured out it was one of their favs.
I have put up fencing to push the coyote out of the area and dwhile I was finiashing the girls were russling in the woods well past the trail !!!! Destined to become dinner unless I get more fencing in place.

Broody hen was put in the coop with her friends last night and woke up ready to scavenge for the day. I do have 3 eggs in the incubator--will give them a few days.

A BA has decided to go broody but can't make up her mind which nest box of eggs to sit on!!

the predators are out. That is for sure. In the last week I killed a grey fox that "mama" Sumatra alerted me and her little ones about, I killed a HUGE coon, and a weasle killed 9 chickens. Still after that weasle. Sorry for your loss, and they most always kill your favorite. I no longer admit to a favorite chicken.
Is that a BYOC party?

(Bring Your Own Chick)

Why yes, yes it is.

EDIT: I just candled a random egg and it is completely full, good air cell on the end and veins barely visible at the very edge next to the air sac, so the chick is filling that egg right up! Looks like we are close to what would be lock down if I was using an incubator!

Not hurting for preds here either, but we have been seeing alot of hawks, more than usual, don't know if they are passing through or if it was just a good year for them.
Do you have room in your brooder for momma too? Then you could have both the safety and the added comfort of knowing they are being taken care of even when you can't be there with them? I totally understand you trying to protect them, but if momma raises them it is sooooooo much easier!! I've done it both ways.

Lost another hen this morning--coyote pasted the coop and came up to the house and left a zillion feathers. My son was screaming bloody murder at the coyote ( baseball bat in hand) but it made off with it's meal. Boys quickly figured out it was one of their favs.
I have put up fencing to push the coyote out of the area and dwhile I was finiashing the girls were russling in the woods well past the trail !!!! Destined to become dinner unless I get more fencing in place.

Broody hen was put in the coop with her friends last night and woke up ready to scavenge for the day. I do have 3 eggs in the incubator--will give them a few days.

A BA has decided to go broody but can't make up her mind which nest box of eggs to sit on!!

so sorry.
I am so glad you started this thread! I have a broody girl that started this about a week ago..She is about 6 months old and I thought about putting some eggs under her...
Hi Cat, glad to see you here, and a very pretty broody you have. just think you will be able to put up the bator now and let the hen hatch your eggs.
Just kidding. Keep us updated on progress.

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