Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Not byob???

bring your own broody

Stony, thanks for the pics, I will have to wait until I am back at work to see them though.
It could be a BYOB&C! Ha ha!

Kyboersarah: Welcome to the best enabling thread ever!

Cat: That broody is gorgeous! I love the look and colors of her feathers. I have a student who keeps teasing me about bring me some blue and green eggs. I can't decide if he does, should some end up in the bator by accident....? Hows the hatch coming along? Everyone out? Pics soon??

Arielle: I am so sorry.
. I wish I had some truly great advice to help, but the hug is all I've got!!

. On the egg candling!! Yay!
She is a very pretty hen. I particularly like the lighter colored birds like her but don't have any yet. What color would you say she is? I see some buff coloring on her but it's hard to tell the rest because of the lighting. Maybe lavender?
Good morning!
Well, the two remaining chicks made it through yesterday but again, momma went to bed and they couldn't follow. I had to pick them up and put them in with her. She did promptly tuck them both up under her. I caught them trying to get in the coop on the ground that has the juvenile D'Uccles. At least I know they'll be willing to integrate if we can't find them a home til spring.

I hope everyone has a good day today!
Good morning, Everyone! I'm pleased to share that we've got our first broody! She's a Barred Rock we named Pip. She's been on the nest for two weeks now. We've got a broody box set up just in case this happened but we still have to "fence it in". We haven't moved her from the main coop yet due to being so busy (kids' school/game schedules and my and hubby's work schedules). So my question is, can I still move her into the broody box or should I leave her alone? I plan on fencing the broody area in today. All advice is welcome!
As long as she can't leave the broody box yes you can move her. If she can get out she'll most likely go back to where she was sitting even if her eggs aren't there. or you can wait till chicks have hatched the first 24 hrs and move them all then. But it would probably be less stressful to move her now. Congrats and let us know how it goes, and pics we love pics.
Only two more days until our broody's clutch is due to hatch!! I am so nervous I don't know what to do with myself! She has two turken eggs, 8 leghorn and 2 rirs in her nest! EEeeeek!
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I'm kind of glad I have no idea when mine should hatch, I know when my incubated eggs get close I'm hovering, I don't need to be hovering over that hen she has a beak like a dagger and pecks HARD!

Bring your own broody!
I love it!
Yeah I am trying very hard not to hover. Yesterday I swore I heard a peep so I wiggled my hand under her to check. She growled at me and gave me such a stink eye!

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