Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

I have 4 Srama hens right now that are laying. My question is they are not sitting on the nest except to lay there eggs each one has layeed about three eggs, if they are not sitting on them yet does that mean they probably will not? When they go broody will they sit on the nest as soon as they start to lay?
They haven't even pipped, but they are moving (the one quite a bit). I knowfor sure the eggs aren't any younger than the others. I'll leave them alone the rest of the day and go from there....thanks for your story
One of my hens who just has days to go was sitting in the wrong nest box this afternoon, I went in and moved her but I will leave her alone since hatch day is sat. I think
Pretty Broody your broody azhenhouse, got my fingers crossed for you too.
I was just outside taking treats to the girls and doing my "farm chores", and I opened the nest box to give the broody sisters a few grapes. Only one was in there. I looked around for the other one, and she was in the corner of the coop - EATING AN EGG!! They aren't sitting on the fertile ones, yet, but what should I do?! Will she eat the fertile ones, as well? She is still sitting on five eggs, and when she got back in the nest box she scooted one from under her sister and tucked it under herself.
What now? I've got 14 eggs coming to set under them!!
I'm so devastated, I'm crying as I type...
Today my broody left her nest, I counted 11 eggs. Today was day 16. I waited for her to go back to the nest, but it was getting late and I had to run to the feed store before they closed, so I left. My poor broody was next to the crate where she's nesting, so I thought she would go back inside soon. When I came back, I saw she was still out, so I went to check on her. All 11 eggs were gone! Not a trace of eggshells, nothing!!!
The setup I had for her was inside a dog carrier, I put a cardboard box to serve as the nest. The dog carrier is inside the run, and the coop is inside a chain link fenced area. My husband was around, blowing leaves. The dogs were outside the chain link fence. I have no idea what happened. My husband and I searched everywhere and no trace of eggs or eggshells...
My poor little Australorp is back in the nest, so I put some golf balls under her, and plan to buy some chicks tomorrow, but it is not the same...
I'm devastated... Has this ever happened to anybody?

Also, any suggestions on how to give her chicks? I plan to do it at night, but I was thinking of getting maybe 3 and if she accepted the first 3, give her three more next night. Will it work?
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I was gone for 10 days and came home to 3 of my Cochin pullets setting -- on nothing! My DH had dutifully gathered the eggs but the pullets wouldn't give up. I gave them the eggs laid that day and then a few more the next day for the third hen. Not really a full clutch for each hen, but they are pullets. I've had broody hens before, but never Cochins. They are living up to their reputation as great setters.

I would like to know the answer to this, as well.

I'm no expert, but from all the reading it looks like most people check around 23-25 days. I used the float test (https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=383525) on the last 3 eggs on my last (and 1st ever) hatch on day 23 and it was accurate. (1 viable, 2 not, and only the 1 hatched) Make sure to check carefully for pips before you float them! Good luck!!
I am so sorry about your eggs chics in the sun wonder if your other chickens might have ate them? do you have alot of squirrels? can they get into your run? I know they will steal eggs but that was alot of eggs.

I'm a little confused about the float test, not the test itself but how do you keep the water at 100 degree when you have to carry it out to the coop and after you test then you dry them off and put them back under the broody? This is for eggs in the bator, can it actually been done with accuracy in the coop?
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