Let your birds decide. They're alot smarter than most give them credit for. I thought it was weird the first time I saw one eating a feather till I learned why. No, maggots are not a parasite, look in the Webster for reassurance.
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I vote to let the chickens clean them up. They may not be fly maggots anyway - all insects go through a larval stage and many have a maggot like look to them that aren't flies...

Anyway, unless your chickens have an open wound that they could get into, I'd let them have their feast and that will make your chickens happy and get rid of the problem too.
There are several kinds of maggots that could end up with the chickens but can be separated in to two basic categorys. Meat eaters and grain eaters.
If your birds are healthy and don't have festering wounds the maggots are most likely grain eaters.
Grain eaters don't just eat feed. they will also eat straw,hay, cotton(like from the shirt) etc...
Meat eaters tend to stay with rotting meat. Just because meat maggots are there isn't really all that bad either. They are natures clean up crew. Even doctors use them to clean festering wounds that just won't heal in people from time to time.

They are an excellant source of protien too. I say....
let'em eat!
On that "Survivorman" show on tv that guy ate some maggots he found in a dead Elk he found that was killed in a snow/mud slide and he was ok.

So I guess that's another vote to let them be eaten but I would want to know why they were there in the first place and I would try to get as many of them out of there as I could before I let the chickies play clean up with the rest. I would also do a total clean out of the coop too and spray some bleach water in there and scrub and disinfect everything.

Maggots eat dead and rotting things... what have you got in your coop that is rotting to entice the blow flies to lay maggots

Are you sure these are maggots and not lice or mites your talking about under the T shirt

Why are your birds not on roosts to sleep .. why are they sleeping on a T Shirt?

What do you feed them

No... I would dispose of the maggots just in case they have eaten something that causes botulism to the birds

How often do you clean out the chicken coop?

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