As many of you know I have had quail hatching over the weekend. I have 15 chicks in the brooder one more egg hatching. Well I keep my quail chicks in a fish tank lined with paper towels for the first couple days until their leg muscles develope nicely. Well this morning I woke up to hear my mom saying " Sam I think one of your quail is dead " I got up out of bed rushed to the brooder to see a chick lying there. I reached in to grab him to see if he was actually dead and realized OMG THEY ARE ALL SOAKED!!! The quart chick waterer leaked all into the brooder and the paper towels just absorbed it and made it like a swamp in there. Me and my mom both rushed to get all the chicks out and put them all in a towel.....dryed them the best we could and then put them in a different brooder and held the heat light over them. We both thought that they all were lost......BUT ALL ARE NOW DRY AND DOING FINE!!! This was a horrible morning....I stayed home from school just so I can make sure nothing else happens. Please QUAIL NOOOOOO more pool parties!