OMG!! I set my eggs on 6/9 & I set them upside down! Update post #18

Hopefully everything will turn out just fine..... Thanks for sharing on this topic as I am sure that this is helping others that have experienced the same mistake... Do not beat yourself up as this could happen to anyone... You certainly do not do something like this intentionally...
i found out last hatch i had been setting them upside down myself and it was going on a week that had been in incubation and i corrected them and out of 12 eggs 5 hatched but i think the rest were quiters so i think if you catch them in the first week of incubation since they are still pretty small i would think they adjust themselves
Thanks for the words of encouragement. I will try and stay hopeful. Like Nathan said, this has been a rough week. I have been looking forward to these for such a long's the little things that can bring so much happiness.

Nathan - I also have put in 12 more can never have too many! I still have all of the *original* girls :) Now I just hope these will hatch. Big hug & thanks.

I'm also growing out some gorgeous Wyandottes &'ll have to drop by and see them.
Seems like everyone has Orpingtons but me
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well the day before you stop turning them candle to see if you can spot the reg bad ones empty shell,blood ring,blood spot,and the ones you can see through to tell they died in early stages and just
come hatching day but i think since you caught them early they should have turned around in the shell to face the air sac mine did and hatched out fine
Okay - the eggs are due to hatch tomorrow...and I came home from work today and had 5 WCB Polish chicks staring out at me!

I was totally prepared for none of them to hatch!!! Yayyyy!!! Four more to go and two of those have pipped.

I'm thrilled and relieved!

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