OMG! Why?

I will see what I can do about getting them a red light. I wish dollar general had them. That is lot closer then Wal Mart.
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We have a True Value, but the guy that runs it seems like some of his prices are crazy. I just said over $13 for a light clamp and then the light bulb was over $3. That might not seem like that much. But really did not think we would be paying that much.
we have 4 new ones coming from MPC mid June. They will be brooded in the living room.. like the original flock was. But will be outside sooner, since the coop run is already built this time

Only problem we ever had was with one that turned out to be a roo. He would peep non stop. Had a ceramic bulb as well. little bugger just didnt stop.
I am getting the set up together again now. Have missed having babies.
Mine got loud one day last week we moved them down to the basement. They were 7 weeks old. We had an overnight low hovering just above freezing last night so not possible for us to kick them outside yet.
I think the red bulb is your answer. I have 10, 2 week olds in a brooder set up in our master bathroom. I leave the clear light on during the day and switch the red one on at night. Keeps them toasty and quiet. I get up off and on in the night to check on them and they are always quietly sleeping, not a peep.
I've got a red heat lamp on my BR's and they hardly peep at all (2 weeks and at 90-92 degrees). We're brooding them in the playroom just in case though.
I think your little peeps will either quiet down more soon, especially with their red light, or you'll get used to the peeping & it won't keep you up after a few days.
I also hope you'll eventually love the little peeps in your bathroom as much as we have. We've brooded in the bathroom lots of times, and while there's more dust to clean with them there, they make any room cheerful when they're being normal chicks. Once they're out, you may find you miss the sounds. Better a little peeping than exposing them to potential predators outside if you're not sure.
They tame down better too by seeing people come & go more often.
I have an idea.....move the chicks to the kids' bathroom. Put a portable fan in the kids' room at night, to drown out the sound of the peeping chicks.
My son likes to sleep with the fan on in his room at night. His room is right next to the living room, so when he goes to bed, he can't hear me watching tv in the living room lol!

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