omgosh my Polish is insane!

I have two polish hens in my flock....both a year old now...and they are the most interested in me out of all the hens. They enjoy watching me, talking to me, and sitting on me. I do recall that they were both pretty crazy as chicks, so maybe yours will mellow with age.
It's normal. They usually will mellow once they get older (my experience) just make sure that they can see. Sometimes their crest's get in the way of their vision so if needed cut some of the feathers that hang down in their eyes.

Nice one Welasharon!
It's actually not just a Polish thing. Chicks tend to go through the poultry version of the 'terrible twos". For a while its all freaking out, running wildly, and pretending that you're evil Godzilla or something, etc.

Mine usually chill out around 10 to 16 weeks, and then even moreso when they get laying age.

Hang in there!

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