One cockerel, one pullet


5 Years
Mar 27, 2018
My Coop
My Coop
I have one marans cockerel with a cochin pullet
They are 10 weeks, and the cockerel has started to crow, and has also started to bully the cochin...
i can't keep cockerels where i am and i know a farm i can give it to asap, but will the pullet be unhappy on its own for 3-4 weeks?

I have 2 week old chicks atm which i will move into the run at abt 5 or 6 weeks, so what is best?
Thanks in advance!;)
ok, that's helpful, thanks!
I can't supply them with a heat lamp unless i use extension lead, or should i just put more bedding in?
There are 11 chicks, so hopefully they could use the heat from their own bodies?
Also, the cochin may pick on them, it is quite lively atm, so...

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