One day I'm sure rooster...the next I believe he could be a she.


9 Years
Jul 3, 2012
Edom, Texas

He two black and copper Marans in the background are my questionable chickens. When they were chicks I thought both were roosters because they had bright red combs and waddles. Now the guy next to the fencing is crowing and no sound from the questionable chicken in the middle.
Here's a better look at my questionable chick:

For a long time I've been convinced the copper feathers on the back were saddle feathers like on a rooster. They were both hatched July 6th this year. Still no eggs from anyone!
What do you guys think?
that is 2000% cockerel. pullets will only have copper on their hackles while cockerels get copper on their hackles, saddles, and wings
Dang, you guys are good, and I didn't realize that only the roosters got the copper feathers on their backs. I learn more about this beautiful breed every day. Could his waddles be under developed because he's not the dominate one? I now have 3 roosters in that coop, with 2 hens. Soon as I start getting eggs, I'll incubate some to hopefully get more hens. I hope they get along til then. Thank you all for your replies!
when in doubt saddle feathers tell all
Dang, you guys are good, and I didn't realize that only the roosters got the copper feathers on their backs. I learn more about this beautiful breed every day. Could his waddles be under developed because he's not the dominate one? I now have 3 roosters in that coop, with 2 hens. Soon as I start getting eggs, I'll incubate some to hopefully get more hens. I hope they get along til then. Thank you all for your replies!
His comb/wattles could just be an individual variance in size. I know my Welsummers have different comb sizes and it does not correspond to the pecking order. And 3 roosters with 2 hens sounds like trouble to me... I'd get working on a plan to house at least the extra boys separately in case things get ugly soon since they're all coming of age.

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