One dead one stolen

I haven't saw any cats yet bit who knows I guess it's a waiting game least it's Friday so we have the weekend to try to get it!
I do not know if there is a good time to add:welcome so tough to concentrate with the loss so it cannot happen again hardware cloth is your friend best wishes for you and whatever you choose to
Well they are free range so they were just pecking around the property, but what is hardware cloth?
LOL I get an occasional farm cat. BUT most of the cat's learn after the first round not to repeat. THEN there is yellow (big tom) 4 times so far I think he may have learned after his last "training session"

Before I fortified my run, I would trap religiously…

At least once a week my neighbors cat would help himself to the bait… and take a nap in the trap waiting for me to release him. I would give him a petting, he an appreciative meow, and off he would go.

I thought he had to be the stupidest animal I had ever met…

I thought about all the free meals he received.

Only then did I change baits to something less agreeable to him.

Amazing how stupid animals can adapt, I’m referring to me of course…:he
Well we just moved here a month ago we live in espanola ontario, the night we moved in we saw a big fox and we live out in the country, so we can have anything from fox to moose in our yard. We have a hunting camera and caught a pic of a big raccoon on it but also keep seeing that fox ourselves. My husband even bought a screeching fake thing to attract the predators but when he sat out he didn't see anything. Eventually we got that big fox but he has said he has saw more than one.
We'll I'm calling around to get some more chickens as poor copper will be lonley. Thanks for your ideas!

Be sure to properly quarantine any new birds you get well away from your current flock. If not, you could end up with a whole heap of trouble if they are harboring any illness.

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