One Finch?

Oct 20, 2017
So, there's no guarantee I'll be able to get an inside bird, but if I could, I'm wondering: Would one male zebra finch be fine by himself? Or is it really a 'need'/strongly preferred to have more than one finch together, since they're so social with each other?
Have any of you finch-owners ever owned just one, and if so, did they seem happy and did they still sing? :)
There's a couple of other 'indoor' bird species I'd like, but I think the finch would be the best option for now (again, if I even were to get one or two), since their lifespans are shorter than some of the others I'm interested (I know that probably sounds bad, but don't take it the wrong way, please :oops:).

Thanks in advance for your help! :cool:
So, I guess the one male finch is a no-go? :p I probably won't be able to get any, anyways, but I was just wondering in case I'm ever able to! =)

Thank you for replying! :frow
One day perhaps. I recommend the Bengalese/Society finches over Zebras. Zebras can be aggressive but Society finches are adorably social (as their name suggests) and I regularly have four adults caring for a single chick, sometimes more (I'm never sure of the parentage)! And they all like to cuddle up together at night. They are just so sweet!
If you get zebra finches and aren't looking to breed I'd recommend getting two males and if you got them as brothers that would be even better! Remember that they need lots of flight space! I've heard soceity finches are great finches although never had any myself. Canaries are lovely but again they need lots of flight space. They also have to be kept strictly on daylight cycles or it causes baldness, endless egg laying, etc and apparently within a few months they die. (This is if not kept on proper daylight lengths/circles) If you wanted to know more on this subject there are people on finch forum who know all about this :) Also it's only the males that sing, not the females. Both are very pretty tho.

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