One lonely mallard hen needs a new home:(

I've still got her. Put her on craigslist for Houston but only one person asked me about her and never replied back. She's fat and happy but still lonely. She's such a good duck, but the fact that she's all alone makes me sad.
Too bad I didn't see this when you posted: I live in SE Louisiana and was just over that way last month. I would love to have her, but won't be coming back that way for quite some time. Too bad we don't know anybody who drives to the New Orleans or Baton Rouge area....we could do a duck relay!
We currently have 2 Rouens, 5 Runners, and 2 unknown babies that are 2 weeks addition to 67 chickens and 6 guinea fowl. I secretly favor the ducks since we got them though: They are the cutest!
I really hope you can find her a home, or get her the duck diaper and keep her. Their is a lady on here that makes them: She lives in the Chicago area and keeps runners as house pets. I can't remember her username, but you could probably find her easy enough looking on threads about runners. She has a website where she sells the diaper harnesses and little ducky house shoes: Too cute!

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