One lonley chick

With the chicks freezing in the delivery process yesterday
I would just like to update on my happy story. Cheepers is now in the coop outside he seems to enjoy it. When he was inside he would run in circles in the brooder trying not to be picked up and now when I am sitting in the run with them he acctually perches on my lap. It is like he greets me. When I reach down to fill the food he comes over and just watches me. Fluffy is also doing fine also a great bird. I look forward to seeing them and the other girls everyday.
And incase you didnt see the other post. Cheepers is a boy.
:/Have never postd before, but must say for those of you doing quail if you don't use a mirror or your hand the chick must have an answer to the cheeps is calling for mother or bro's or sisters if it dosen't here a response and you don't talk to it . It will just go to sleep and not wake up is not common in chickens that I no of but with quail the closer to wild they are can be a problem is to protect the flock if only one lives the hen will give up in wild and the chick is lost.

I am not mother nature have raised many in pocket to the right size to go on there own or if I have a late guy the pocket works need paper towel and carry a small 10cc rig and add some honey. I take a stick match and dip in honey and put in the water it seems to help bring them out of the hatch mode if they have very spindelly legs quail sometimes can't stand for 2 days. Get them to a warm secure place or the others will drag them by there toes. I will not force water on them but I let the drop hang in front of them after they hit it the first time get ready they need a drink as often as you or ever 4 hours. Food is not necessary yet but I just toss in box on floor they need something to walk on soft paper towels are expensive but the can walk on it quickly it helps.

By the Book you don't need to water or feed them for 40 hours. I have found that that shot of h2o+honey as soon as they will take dose two things it first converts them to water drip bottles which is neet no mess (quail are worse than chickens they will drown in the water dish even with rocks in them they would have to work hard for a waterbottle to hurt them) and my rate of live or die right after hatching is 90+% before was 78 to 82 %.

If you ever have to watch one or more die it makes you feel better and even if the water and honey mean nothing your handling them and even if everyone says your nuts your talking to them and it helps I name them all even if they pass. I also bury them. As screwey as it sounds I loose one now and then but not often and it makes me feel better.

Why they will make a move on the drops comes from nature I have seen a hen and flock going to the leaves with dew on them and the chicks drink the drops off the leaves was where I got the Idea.

This is a personal opinion the people who are into birds are mostly the same (I have done much traveling and folks are folks every where) find a person with chickens in his back yard explain that shiping eggs is not a wonderful way and about 1/2 die. Might you buy some of his freshest eggs if the rooster is present and crowing I will bet money he will offer you some but just buy a dozen.

Three things I hold to the book: tempature 99.5, and I have a turner quail eggs althought they seem tuff they will brake or crack if your not very very very careful. The last is the most important humidity get a wet bulb and dry bulb thermoitor and learn how you will do a lot for the chicks stay close to humidity readings you will learn the bator and in my case 3/4oz in am and am good all day might go above 50% for a bit but will hold below 50% for rest of day.

I have decided to bring the ground quail back to South Texas Valley I raise and release 100's every chance I get I am sure I loose most but they will learn or I will go broke or die trying.

If your not from Texas well hope where you are is as nice for birds as the Rio Grande Valley.

I am sorry for the grammer and spelling


Don't lie
Don't cheet
Don't steal (except form the government)
Never Quit
All go home
I will be getting eggs tomorrow for the incubator. Theese were the chicks I ordered The hatchery will re ship Sat. The temps are going to be higher. The babies just couldnt take the cold 25 died slowley I tried to drop feed them sugar water but all I could do was hold them and watch the poor weak babies die. I couldnt regulate their temp. I was up almost all night trying and it was horrible and heart breaking. The low temp during shipping was 9 degrees. There is one left I have been obsessing over her all day.
Keep them warm careful. Some like raw white sugar I will not let my grandkids touch it. Use Honey or real sugar crystials and very little what you think is a little to something your hold in your hand and be sure the mixture is warm. If your going to order eggs and am sure many will not agree but get an infer-red lamp about 250 watts and put it shinning on them from a distance make sure not to over heat them but that light seems to be magic for me and have brought back some that were shaking and couldn't stand one lived in my shirt pocket for a week I came away 3 wins one loss his name was george. I lost a batch once and got a cheep Ice chest and rigged a chick rescue box and I use it it will bring there tempature up 2 or 3 dregees every 5 min and I stop and 80 for a bit then 90 for a bit a chick needs 99.5 constant watch them as they come out of the cold if they start to pant stop till they get used to it(another drink here is a good thing if they will take it). Just sweet water for a few drinks then get some of the food your using and soak it in a cup till it falls apart and use the water from that as your water I use a 10cc rig with no needle shake often or it will settle at the end and they will have trouble get it into them don't over feed even if they beg it will lower there body tempature .

I once saved a bird of pray and will not say what it was not sure is 100% legal but I fixed several of his flight feathers (close encounter with a car) with remodled chicken feathers trimed and superglued and had no Idea what I was doing Egor the great lived and liked frozen mice fresh from the micro-wave and when I got his feathers good enough he flew to the tree behind my place. Seen him often was eazy to see with red feathers but they have been replaced and I still see him. Has something taking his time now but to this day he still roostes it that tree not often guess he is busy:D

You have payed some dues we all do and have remembered them and what went wrong in time those days will go and you will get better.


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