One of my new babies died suddenly!??


9 Years
May 1, 2010
New chick mom...8 chicks picked up on Monday (didn't want to ship so I drove 3 hours!). My little sweet White Rock (Cecillia) was doing great. Running, eating, drinking and then all of the sudden she slept most of today (Saturday) and died! I'm devastated. The brooder is at 95 degrees (plenty of room to get away as well), organic chick starter, fresh water several times a day with electolytes. No drafts, kiln dried pine shavings, added a little chick grit to food. She was maturing with the longest wing feathers of the bunch. Everyone else is doing fine but now I'm SO worried this will happen again. She would not lay down to sleep all day (slept standing). No pasting on bottom. Beak seemed a little wet when we found her little body...not sure if that reveals something. Anyone have any idea? I just cried about her for an hour even though I've only known her for 6 days.
So sorry for your loss. I am not sure but I will say that I have lost chicks for no reason. They are a guessing game sometimes. Maybe someone who has raised many more chicks than me can help. Don't be too sad, I am sure you did all you could to make it happy and safe.
I had the same thing happen to me, but I lost 4! I think my brooder was just too hot. I lowered the temp. and 23 remaining chicks are thriving!!!!
Sorry, it happens... and sometimes it's the idiot human that causes it. I set a feeder down on a chick without realizing it last Thurs. evening.

You really feel badly when you are the reason.
I'm so sorry for your loss...

I think it's just a part of chicken/duck ownership, the odds are great we all experience that same loss at some time...We've only been raising them a year and so far, knock on wood *hits self in head*, we haven't lost one...I did have to give one away that was alive and even that made me cry for hours...Maybe it's better to experience it early[in raising career] with a young chick than losing one you've raised for a year or so, I know if I lose one of my first babies which turn a year this month, I'll be crushed, they're like my kids(only real one is 21 and hasn't been home for 4yrs)...The more it hurts just shows how much you care about them, again, I'm so sorry for your loss and wish the best for your other babies...
hear you on that one, two nights ago i was cleaning pasty buts and got to what i thought was dropping in the down, turned out to be a little piece of yolk sac that didnt obsorb all the way and i completely ripped it out of her body, you wanna talk about lossing my mind. especially since ive only been doing this chicken thing for 8 days. luckily i bit the bullet and snipped off the sac, wiped some iodine and smeared the antibiotics and now shes doing great.
Thanks everyone for your kind words. All of the other girls seem to be doing good today. I'm going to try to go back to the hatchery on Wednesday to get a new White Rock. I feel like I need at least one white chicken! Think she'll be ok with a rowdy crew who are one week older? I have 3 polish crested (1 of which is the most courageous of the group & the other two follow her) 1 RIR (quiet and shy), 1 Barred Rock (quiet & small but occasionally a little fiesty) , 1 Ameraucana (BIG girl w beautiful eyes) and 1 LB Leghorn (most active, brave and silly). All cute as buttons!

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