One of the wings of my duck has fallen

i didnt look under her wing i was concerned that its made pain for her i have not antibiotic here its night and petshop is closed. if her wing has broken movments wont make worse it?
You can use antibiotic ointment for people. Like the kind if you get a scratch you would put it on yourself under a bandaid? Just make sure it doesn't have pain reliever in it, like lidocaine, because that's not good for birds.

Also... Cats are definitely predators. And if they are in your garden other animals can get in and hurt them. I think you would be surprised.
Cats are predators! And are very well able to injure a duck.
If bones in the wing are broken, she needs to be bandaged so that she cannot move her wing. What i meant is, check her skin for any scratches, wounds or bruises. She might simply got stuck in a fence or similar, sometimes ducks are somewhat clumsy…
I have no experience with broken wings, maybe @casportpony can chime in.
Where are you located? If you're in a cold location it is a good idea to take her inside if she is really injured or sick. Her feathers look ruffled up too.
i check her skin i did not found any scratch or wound yes here is cold so i take her inside
if it be cat works i really surprised it seems that they are good with her. here i have Coamoxiclav tablets is it good for her ?here is cold so i bring her to home it seems she is better i may try wrappe her wing, now she is sleep and tomorrow i will take her to a vet
If are going to take her to a vet tomorrow I would wait on giving her antibiotics. They'll weigh and examine her much more thoroughly. They'll probably be able to tell you exactly what is wrong and the best way to proceed, where as we are just guessing. Good guesses, but still guesses.

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