One remaining mystery pullet, 2008


11 Years
Aug 31, 2008
What would you say she is, anybody? I ordered a couple of instances of 10 brown egg layers and she's either in that category or else a free rare chick. She used to be what I called the "world's smallest chick" when she was a hatchling.

Thanks for the answer, Smoky73.
That's perfect and so now I have one regular BA female, this splash BA, and two pretty lousy BA females with some rather deprecating brown on their breasts/hackles, which came from the hatchery that way and might even be crosses. In all of this, I had specifically ordered two BA pullets.
Yep,she looks like a beautiful splash andalusian hen.I have one that looks just like that and she's very friendly.She has a pure breed blue andalusian mother and a white leghorn father so mine splash is not pure breed but has more of her mother's looks.
The blue trait in blue birds only shows in some of the offspring meaning that some could be blue,some black, and some splash.Is this right?
Interesting that yours is friendly, Pinky, because this one is one of the several chickens I have that I hardly ever see because they aren't the ones to hang around the coop if the door's open - they literally go away until time to go back in at dusk. I do have one much prettier one - if I can I'll post her picture tomorrow. Yippee - no work tomorrow, so I'll see the sun.
My splash's mother,the blue ansalusian,isn't all that friendly and happy to see me and the treats as the others are.The splash's dad,my white leghorn roo I handraised,is much more friendly,so I thinks my splash gets her friendly nature from him.
My parents' andalusians are their friendliest birds. Always curious and in their face when they're in the hen house doing anything. They aren't allowed to range at all, since they've got chicken-eating dogs, and I don't know how they'd be out loose, but in the coop they're as friendly as can be.

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