One week old chick breathing heavy and fast. Please help!


In the Brooder
May 14, 2015
So I am hatching chicks for my science fair, and today i went out to the brodder to check on them and the youngest one is laying under the light alot. She is also breathing twice as fast as the other chicks. There are 5 in total and all the others are fine. Also all of the other chicks have tail feathers, and she dosent. Well they are very small. She had some trouble at hatch. My baby sister pulled down the incuabtor and cracked her shell. She had pipped before that so the yolk was fully absorbed, but i ended up having to help her. She was doing fine these past few days i think. I am really worried about her! We are going into our second week of life and the temp is 85-95 which is where is supposed to be! Does anyone know what could be wrong or what I could try?

Please reply!


iheartchicks00 <:(
There are different types of mareks disease. My hen had the disease and breathed heavily and then started to paralysis. If you have put the chicks with any other chicken they all have it and you may also be caring it to your chickens. I had to butcher all my hens under 5 months or older. Some had it and didn't even change and others did. The sad thing is there is no way of stopping it. If your chic has the disease you can not take it anywhere around other chicks or chicken. But I have good news. Some times chicks just don't develop and die so it might just be that. I have lost chicke here and there, but it wasn't because they were sick it was because they hadn't developed right.

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