One Week Old Muscovy Kids

LOL, sounds like you've had you hands full! Funny thing is I didn't even know people could keep poultry in town until after I moved to the country. I would have started years ago...
I may be picking up some hens from another BYCer up in WA. I'm not sure if it would work out, but if you remember, feel free to PM me when you decide what to do with them. I wouldn't have a problem with your Momma, if you decide for sure to part with her. I have too many ducks/chickens for them all to be pets, but I take good care of them, and enjoy them tremedously.
FWIW, I don't think we really "can" keep poultry in our city. I think the law might be no more than three backyard pets, and poultry is specifically excluded. So far, no one has complained, and since the chickens are gone I can't imagine why anyone would (even then it wasn't really bad). If both rabbits and both ducks and all 12 babies (and the five goldfish living in their pond) all made noise at the same time, I don't think anyone would hear a thing. That's the nicest thing about a Muscovy or Mini Rex. :) In fact, the dogs across the street - or even the finches iving in the neighbors tree - all make WAY more noise than my animals ever could. But we all know how the real world works I guess.

Thank you for the offer to discuss duck placements - I'll PM you when I decide what to do, or you can if you will be heading up to Washington. My primary life hobby is trains, so I can just incorporate meeting up with some railfanning. :)

LOL, Geeze, and I thought I was up late!
You two are regular night owls. It was a happy day when mine finailly took peas out of my hand at 5-5 1/2 weeks. You know mine are getting so much more layed back, I could really picture what you are saying Bleenie.. Walking along, oh, trip. What was that, a log? No, it's a 'Scovie. Ha, ha, ha!

The only sound my Muscovies make is that beautiful chirping whistle, and they all do it really excited when they are being let out. I think it is really pretty. LOL, My Kahkis and Pekin seem down right crass afterwards with their honking, quacking racket.. But that is okay because it makes me laugh. Well, I hope your neighbors never make a fuss and that your quiet little menagerie never gets disrupted.
I bet your kids love them... I'll PM you or you/me like you said. I don't know how long she wants to let her group grow out before selling, so it is up in the air as to when...

What is railfanning?
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