Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

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Well there are pastures here where the grass is so deep the geese would get lost!
I sure scored today, got a free 8x10 shed off Craigslist!!! But I had to take it apart in this 88 degree weather. After wrestling with the last two goats to take them to the sale, and I never even sold them! My friend sold all four of her bunnies today, so she was really happy.
Excited about my bunny, she is due to kindle very soon, and she is making her nest! More baby Lionheads, I sure hope they are girls! DH worked on the triplex bunny hutch today, got the roof on and the door frames made. I will paint them tomorrow and put the wire and hinges on, and they will be ready to use. Three does in their permanent new homes, I love it! Thanks, Dear
The doe had her kits, 4 or five of them! The triplex is almost done, just a couple of trim boards and the latches to finish up. DH drove the truck down the Mule path with the trailer on , then we parked the trailer where the shed will go. He cut down the small trees and plants to clear an area, and I will have to rake off all the debris. I was so wasted from all that time outside yesterday, all I wanted to do today was sleep. Not an option, trying to finish the small pen for young banties and get the doors for the rabbit pen painted.
I put the bucks in a new pasture after taking them to the sale, and today we could not find the spotted one. Once it started to get dark, I was worried he might be stuck somewhere so I started to seach. First I checked the goat barn, and he was in there! ALL DAY! weird. He looks fine, but I will have to keep an eye on him.
The triplex is done, and the does are in their new homes. We also finished the pen for the young banties, and moved them. Then I moved some chicks from the garage to the brooder. Sold my guineas , and some chicks today. DH saw a big snake , near the garage, now I am afraid it will eat my eggs or chicks. Once I had one get into the bator, and ate several eggs, and had a chick in its mouth. I did manage to save that chick and got rid of the snake. Saw another coon down near the chicken coop last night, need to set some traps.
Here is a pic of the shed I got free, now I need to assemble it....
I need a bunch of runs and shelters for banties, so I will make indoor/outdoor areas and separate areas by breed of age. One big shelter instead of a bunch of small ones! That shed will work great, I think. It is 8x10, and has a small upstairs area I can use to store hay and shavings.
Went to the sale at Scotts Hill today, the prices were pitiful. I got a rabbit show cage for $11 that has four compartments!There were rabbits as cheap as $1, and young Coronation sussex dirt cheap too. Tempting. I sold some Polish very cheap, so there is one more empty coop. Bought some half grown BB Reds for $1 each, three pullets and a roo I think. Got four call ducks from a breeder, they are just babies.Bought a bunch of guinea keets, since lots of people seem to be looking for them.
Built the frame for a portable coop today, and started putting the wire on. Need some hardware cloth, but our stupid hardware stores are closed on Saturday. Argh. I wanted to use it for the young silkies, but I may put the guineas in there temporarily. Have not started to assemble the shed yet, since it is so darned hot here.
Saw a coon down near the Buff Orp coop last night, but all I had in my hands were pullets...gun was up in the house.
Thanks, I built some brooders that are similar, I should get a pic of that.
Went to Jackson today to teach a quilting class, it was nice to get out but I have so much to do here, I didn't spend much time in town.
Wish it would rain, the soil is like powder. It was 97 degrees in Jackson today, here it was only 88 but, still too hot for June. I did get to the hardware store just before they closed and got more hardware cloth. Building that portable run for the young bantams, and I need another for guineas, one for never ends. I have one call duck and three Black Swedish in this pen. Trying to sell my Buff Ducks, and a single Rouen. I also have four baby calls.
Rain, please , Mother Nature! We need it SO badly.I was out watering the chickens , and the soil is so dry , the water just runs over the top instead of soaking in.
I have the portable pen almost done, just needs one door. Can't wait to move those young chickens out of the brooder.
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