Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

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Ugh, that is so awesome!!

I think we are Cherokee Indian, Scottish, and I don't know what all else!

Start feeling better, 'kay Deb!

Just all that bending and lifting from garage cleaning yesterday catching up to me. I am sure I will survive:-D I need to get off here and go get some pics of my silkies, let the teenagers out etc. Have a good one! Deb
Today I got the excess foam insulation off the new coop and painted over it, looks much better. Cleaned out the stall to temporarily house the new Light Sussex I bought today. Two big loads of good stuff, one for the garden and one for the gulch. We have erosion issues there, so I am trying to fill with stuff to encourage plant growth. Took silkie pictures, they turned out pretty crappy, they refuse to sit still so most shots were blurry. I am going to have to go in there at night when they are sleepy. Painted lumber for the quail breeder pen. I figured out where I want to put it, so once I get the bottom made, I will build the rest of it on site. It will be near our original chicken coop, behind the house. I have to cut some brush, but it is not too steep there and I go down to feed and water chickens nearby, so it is on the feed route. Mailed two boxes of eggs, picked up the new chickens, got them settled in. Winter is on its way, I need a building blitz to happen! I want to close in the lean to area near the garage for young birds . Right now I have brooders there, but I want to move them into the barn. I need to finish the insulated room and install the sink and cabinet. Plus I am building boxes to surround the water heaters so the birds don't poop in their water this winter. I hate breaking ice! I hope fall lasts into December!
Sorry i haven't wrote lately .We have been real busing lately. A young man,my nieces son, needed some money so we went back to work on the rock walls and walkways. I think we will be mostly done my Friday,tomorrow the guys who are going to poor the sidewalks are coming out to measure ,i cant wait!!! Boy that cheap cement mixer i bought at the sale is great!! After we got the mixing figgered out it went fast, but with all that bending over and picking up rocks it sure is hard on the old back.
Hot soak in the tub and heet linament, Coach! I have been missing you. How are the chickens making out?
The chickens are doing great. The new Hampshire pullets are laying now and the young silikes are laying.I let the silikes eggs kind of build up and now one of the pullets is trying to set on a bunch of eggs.I got the big coop 3/4 done ,i guess thats better than 1/2 done, planing to get back to that after the rock work. I need to sell some more chickens but i want to see how the 1/2 grown chicks turns out and of course i want to keep the rest. I'ts really funny hearing the young rossters crow. Also the brown leghorns banties and the big ones are turning out great.
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The silkies crow funny, but other banties are even funnier. I had a pair of bantam cochins, he had the funniest crow!
So I was slow to get started, but I got a lot done. I built the frame for my duplex quail shack! I figure I will put the brown ones on one side and the gold or white ones on the other side. The wire is on the bottom, and I cut and painted plywood for the two ends and part of the back. I took pictures as I went. I think I need to write a book about chickens. How to build coops and runs, how to hatch, raising chicks etc. I already had magazine articles published, why not a book?
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