Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

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You are not going to believe this! Last night I checked my incubator, took out chicks, added water.etc. This morning I open it up, take out a few chicks, shine the light in the back to see if any are down the bottom. SNAKE!!! Inside the incubator! It had eaten three quail eggs ( from my first batch) a lavender chick , and was in the process of eating another chick!!!OMG! I mean, I haven't even hatched any quail and already they are getting eaten?!? Not to mention why, out of all the chicks in there, it had to eat the lav.:'( So I get the snake, put it in a feed bag and tie it up. The bator has one vent on the bottom partly open, and that snake must have crawled in that. I mean, there are mice everywhere he could eat, but oh no, he has to eat my quail and my chicks! I just can't believe the whole thing.
Oh, and I wanted to add, the poor chick that he was trying to swallow did start breathing once I freed it, so it may survive the ordeal:)
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I looked up what type of snake it is: a speckled king snake. It has a new home near Chickasaw park.That is the third one I have seen here in the last little while , they must be pretty common. I just know I want them to stay away from my chickens!
A snake in the incubator. That would have sent me off the deep end. I don't like snakes at all. I am not sure I can ever open my incubator again without thinking of this. Yikes.
I have been handling snakes since I was a kid, but I HATE seeing a snake when I am not ready for it. It kind of startles you.
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