Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Afternoon all-hope it's a good one for everyone.
Opa-that was a nice thing you did for your friend.
Sally-that picture of you was PRICELESS! Love it!
Luna-I don't do math so you're on your own with the "mystery eggs".

Maggie-my vet came and took all of my Sumatra eggs but I promise I'll send you some this week(so sorry about the delay)!
Beth-I feel better thinking the snake is now outside(I'm sure it doesn't bother you, but it bothers me thinking it was in your house
Fairybee-I've been trying to get some spring cleaning done myself-I'm afraid at the rate I'm going, though that by the time I'm done, it'll be time for fall cleaning.
Wyliefarms-good luck getting the chickens in the show-if you're successful, I want to see pictures!
YakLady and anyone else who is sick-get better soon, please.

Can someone stop me with this whole incubating craze, pleasee? I still have my call ducks incubating, my nephew is incubating some BBS Sumatra eggs for me and I JUST won some Norwegian Jaerhon eggs-WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME??? Is there a group for this, a 12 step program like Overhatchers Anonymous?
David, came in this morning and inquired to how I was feeling. When I answer "I'm doing much better", he replied "good, pack a lunch I need you on the job site Bryan isn't coming in today". It felt good to be working but the day sure was long. The up side was this particular job was bid at 105 man hours. Every thing just went perfectly and unless we hit some unforseen snag, we should finish tomorrow with only 42 man hours in it. Since it was a quoted price rather than by the hour it works out great for us.

I am very much aware of exactly how old I am tonight, but then hard work never killed anyone. Most of my friends my age no longer do anything and all of them have gain quite a bit of weight since they quit working. In 1968 I weighed 195 pounds. Last night I weighed myself and I weigh 186. Now if everything was still in the same place as it was those many years ago I'd really be happy.

Finished the big tree tonight after supper and now all I have to do is run the branches through the chipper. It sure will be nice to not have to chop all the seedlings it used to create in the garden. Now I need to finish the composters and then start cleaning up the garden. It's amazing how many rocks come to the surface over the winter. The rocks are quite small and my oldest son would be thrill to have rocks this small in his, but I still don't like them so I rake and pick them up. A couple of years ago my friend Bob and I were at Joe's and started picking rocks from the freshly rototilled garden. We were only picking the one fist size or larger. After ten or twelve wheel barrow loads we hadn't finished the first row and decided that we had picked up enought for two old men. The following spring I was complaining to Joe about all the rocks I had cleaned from the garden and then sent him a picture of half a pail full with none larger than a quarter. The kid has lost his sense of humor not that he is grown.
oh dear highlander the sun is coming in and out of here but the clouds look nasty but im still going out for a bike ride the whole reason we have brought lily a bike trailer is so i could go out during the ay for freash air bad weather or not
oh dear highlander the sun is coming in and out of here but the clouds look nasty but im still going out for a bike ride the whole reason we have brought lily a bike trailer is so i could go out during the ay for freash air bad weather or not

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