Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

DH and the kids don't notice any taste difference. I don't mind them either but I prefer them for baking. I think they make a big difference.
Feathered pigs certainly does describe ducks and geese. Although if I had more land and only half a brain I would probably own ducks.

I agreed to go to a fishing tournament with a friend tomorrow and the temperature is going to be below freezing tonight so perhaps I do have the mental capacity to own ducks. It takes a little over a hour to drive to his house, then it takes thirty minutes to load the equipment and boat onto my truck. Add to that a thirty minute drive to the boat launch so when he told me we have to be on the water no later than 630 I really started to wonder about my intellegence. So now I'm going to spend the night at his place. That way the boat and equipment can be loaded tonight and I can sleep until 5am instead of having to get up at 3.
I knew there was a good reason I didn't care for fishing! Eary morning + boat = not a happy Highlander. Hope you have fun though!
I've had geese and they weren't too bad but they got aggressive with me...picture this...wielding a garbage can lid with one hand and the other hand to gather the eggs...she was one mean momma, pecking furiously at the lid making a big racket. Well her husband, just stood there, honking at me, snaking his head at me, pulling at my coat. If he finds a bare tender skin, I would be sure to feel it....I didnt have another garbage can lid to protect my backside.

We didn't have them long, and they were good weeders. But all the eggs we tried to hatch out for meat, none of them were fertile.

By the end of two years, we sold them to a farmer as watchdogs. Ducks, no way! They are very messy and not THAT cute!
Can ducks be any worse?

I admit I am so phobic about barnyard geese, any geese except for Canadian geese, they just don't bother me at all. Even them with goslings, all they did was hiss at me and I just go my way.

For the common backyard geese, look out, I will come crawling on the top of your head like some one is afraid of mice. I even had to shove my hubby on them when I visited the zoo. Yeah I am a chicken and would use either hubby or garbage can or some object between me and the geese. I would try to avoid them at all costs. If they mess with my daughter, I'll wring their necks!
What a night, I am beat. I was up most of the night with my 3 year old son. He had a really bad croup attack, and ended up in the Emergency Room. He is better now, but it was scary. I was supposed to drive today to my parents grave at the Bourne National Cemetery, but I really don't think there is enough coffee in the world to wake me up enough for the almost 2 hour drive each way. I really wanted to see the cemetery with all the flags up for Veterans' Day. I always went with Mom to visit Dad's grave on Veterans' Day, now it is so hard that she is there too.

I'm sure you feel you "should" go, but staying safe and watching over their grandson is what you are here to do. Get some rest and know that there are only blessings on you for taking care of their child and grandchild.

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