Rooster box derangement syndrome


Jul 10, 2019
Perth, Western Australia
I live in a suburban area where roosters are technically illegal, luckily none of my neighbours have reported me and have been bribed with free eggs from time to time, that said I'm always looking for ways to minimize the noise and the best way I've found so far is a "rooster box" which I put the rooster in at night and let him out in the morning. Doesn't seem to reduce the crowing much but it does muffle the volume to a tolerable level.
The issue is the rooster comes charging out of the box in a manic state, chasing the hens so aggressively they flee which in turn makes him chase even more aggressively, it's 5-10 minutes of total chaos every morning. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this and if they were able to mitigate it or if ultimately it should be considered too cruel. In my location I have some early risers out and about by 4:30 am so at a minimum he's in there for 2.5 hours listening to the rest of the flock start their day which is probably frustrating. Sleep in till 10 on a week-end and that grows to 4-5 hours. Another theory I have is being removed from the top perch and spending the night on the floor may make him feel like his place in the pecking order has been lowered and needs to reclaim it, possibly raising the box would help but dunno, anyone else have experience with this?
Since he's been out of sight of the flock he's got to reestablish his position at the top. Not sure if it would be less if he could still see them. I thought the box is used so they can't raise their heads, which in turn is supposed to make it impossible for them to crow.

This time of year roosters are still pretty hormonal. He may calm down as the season gets on.
Since he's been out of sight of the flock he's got to reestablish his position at the top. Not sure if it would be less if he could still see them. I thought the box is used so they can't raise their heads, which in turn is supposed to make it impossible for them to crow.

This time of year roosters are still pretty hormonal. He may calm down as the season gets on.
I tried putting one in a low box once and he just sat down to crow. They're determined, I'll give them that.

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