Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

I believe it's called selective hearing!! For when I don't want my children or DH to hear what I'm saying......They catch every word or better yet when I want them to do something....They didn't hear me at all!! Go figure.
Yesterday just as I was starting to work on that noisy water filter, Hope's daughter in law called to say her car wouldn't start and could I take the granddaughter to school. When I returned Hope said that when she disconnected the discharge line and reconnected it the problem quit. So today when it went off again I called to get it repaired. After numerous called they finally tell me that the soonest they can have someone out to repair it will be next Tuesday. Not willing to listen to it scream for 5 more days, I decided that I would just remove it. Not a easy task. Lots of hoses and fittings, brackets and screws all located in places requiring all manner of contortions. Finally get it out and the scream under the sink doesn't quit.

Imagine my chagrin to discover that it wasn't the RO unit. For some unknown reason a smoke detector had gotten in a wire basket of cleaning supplies that is kept under the kitchen sink on the side opposite from the RO. Usually smoke detectors with weak batteries only chirp intermittantly; this one was a continuous wail. Removed the battery, end of sound.

I'm sure glad that a serviceman wasn't able to come out today. Imagine the embarassment and cost. Now I get the spend the afternoon putting everything back together.
After meeting you, I would have guessed 26 or younger! But knowing how old the kids are, 26 is more appropriate

I have tryed to stay at 30, but it is most difficult to explain my 30yro daughter
Lurking around this thread is always an uplifting moment,lightens your day & your heart.
Opa women find you are attractive as you always were it's just better cause your handy, but I am afraid Sean will always have my heart, he does age like fine wine. You also have good humor nothing better for everyone to have a good laugh makes you feel better.
As far as selective hearing I find it a useful tool. Comes in handy.

Myself I am 40 & will be for as long as I possibly can even when I am reaching for my walker, to get to my elevated throne seat.
After meeting you, I would have guessed 26 or younger! But knowing how old the kids are, 26 is more appropriate

I have tryed to stay at 30, but it is most difficult to explain my 30yro daughter

Ha ha! Bless you, you can come back!

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