Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

English Chick...Sorry your trip wasn't as good as you expected. At least you got something!!!
I wish you had taken pictures, though. I would have liked to see how others who raise lots of chickens, like we do, house theirs.
Our coops are not pretty, but they provide shelter from the weather. I would so love to have a large shed row divided into breeding pens with runs so I could have them all in one place and not scattered all over the place. I don't have flat place that is large enough to put all my breeds in one place. One of the coops is over 36 years old. The hogs got into the run run next to it, and ripped one back corner out, so that pen of layers are free ranging right now...egg hunts are on again!! And Sadie (Blue Heeler/border Collie mix), my chicken protector won't stay in that pen with a gaping hole that she can crawl out of. She goes back out there every couple of hours to check on everyone, though. She is such a good dog.

So many lovely breeds...so little money for more coops!

It's a never-ending fence mending chore around here! It's a good thing all the animals like living here, or we would be in trouble.

Sam...your carvings are wonderful. You truly are a man of many talents.

Well, it looks like most everyone has gone to bed, so I guess I'll browse around the rest of BYC to see what is going on.

Stupid bear must have stolen the covers as I am now awake and facing far too much night left for me to be awake.

Cindiloohoo a reuben is a grilled corn beef sandwich with sauerkraut, swiss cheese, and thousand island dressing and often served with a kosher dill pickle on the side.

English Chickplease my dear heart exercise caution when around those litle fuzzy butts

Rafter 7 I know to well how money or rather the lack of it dictates all we do

Ranchie You inquired as to Bluemoon's chicken status. I can tell you with absolute certainty that she has chickenitis. She called me to insure that I'm ordering another dozen for her and to voluteer to help me when the now over 80 chicks arrive on March 31st
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I know how your ears feel...but you did what you had to do.
I hope you find all your chickens in the morning. And that they are all right. It seems like possums are like mice and rats...if their nose will fit through, the rest of the body can squeeze through too. It doesn't take much of a hole or crack for a possum to get in.

for your chickens to be OK!

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Thanks, Jean, I will be out pretty early doing the medicating and searching. Had a stray dog get a bunch last year, so I think I'm luckier this time.

I just spotted the bright side to the ears not hearing! I won't hear DH snoring tonight.
On rye bread!

And it's prettier sandwich if you use marbled rye

Lightly toasted.
Linda, what colour Brahmas? I set off to get some Lemon Pyle ones on Thursday, but when I got there they had sold them all. Grrr. When the warmer weather comes in and I dust off the bator, I think I am going to concentrate on Orps and Brahmas. Somehow I seem to be able to relate to those larger backsides more!

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