Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

hey ranchhand I fully understood cattywampus
Glad DH is good.

Highlander great broody description!

Morning everyone.
Maggie how exciting that your pilgrim eggs will be in soon! So when is the family going to get on building that coop for you? You need it so you can add some more birds.
So far-my Sumatra eggs are not fertile, but it's still early. We'll see.
Highlander good for you for picking up the extra hens-and you can't beat free.
Sally I'm so glad DHs surgery went well and that your sleep schedule will soon be cattywompus free.

turney31 I didn't realize that you're just right up the road from me a bit. Howdy, neighbor!
PK pizza sounds great-I haven't had any in months and I love it!
Sally, glad to read that Todd is doing much better
Shelia, I'm pretty sure that they need to be coated with spray shellac however I will investigate and let you know for sure.

I have a customer in his early eighties who is a master furniture restorer. He has even worked at Monticello restoring pieces. He has been wanting to go to a lumberyard/tool store, it's about 70 miles from here, for quite some time, so today David & I are going to go with him and then take him to lunch.
Opa how kind of you to take your friend to the lumberyard. Those emu eggs are VERY thin shelled compared to what I have seen in the past from his birds. Sadly, I think the emus have become more of a drain on his farm than an asset, and as such, he does not supplement their feed in the way it needs to be to produce thick shelled eggs-such a shame.
Maggie I have a pip this morning, but it is not in any of my shipped eggs(I don't think the Seramas are going to hatch-it is day 21 for them)-it is in one of my 2 Lakenvelder eggs that I threw in the incubator on a whim.
The baby is peeping away. I may end up with a lone chick this go around, but one is better than none-it will just be spoiled.
Awww, how cute! I can't wait til my ducklings hatch!

PK, if you go back and look at the pics that I posted, one of them is of my broody bantam hen. She's actually a tiny little thing....I can hold her in the palm of my hand (when she's not broody). When she is broody, though (which is nearly all the darn time), she will puff up like a blowfish and shriek at me until I go away. Every once in awhile, one of the other hens will come and relieve her and she will run out real quick to eat and drink. Most of the time she just stays put in the nest, though.
What a day, and it's omly 1 pm amd a bit!

Looks like they are going to keep DH another day, since he was so badly off to start with, but the good side is I will have time to do a few more things to keep him happy and entertained when he gets home. LOL, they gave him scrambled powder eggs this morning, and he told them he's going to stick with home grown.

The guy from the propane company was here this morning, and the roosters all chimed in to help him read the tank. I jokingly asked if he wanted some roosters - he said no, but my FIL and nephew both raise chickens, I'll ask them. His nephew just called and seems very knowledgeable about chickens and will be coming over Sat or Sun to select from the roos I want to rehome.

Not only that, he told me about a daily radio show in a small town nearby, called the Swap Shop.
People call in with things they want to swap or things they want to get! Thirty miles from here, so very doable for me.

I am ecstatic at how the day has gone so far!

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