Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

This probably would be considered child abuse today, but when the boys were teething I'd take a couple of shots of ice cold Southern Comfort and dip the back of a small cold spoon in it. I then rub the back of the spoon on their gums . I would then drink the remaining Southern Comfort and we all slept better.
Back before fuel injection and catalytic converters, you used to be able to get cookbooks. They would tell you how many miles you had to drive to cook just about anything. Things like pot roast, with them mounted to your exhaust manifolds. Talk to some of the old time truck drivers, they could do some "cooking" not "heating" on their engines.

I remember those cookbooks! They were quite practical at the time. But now, trips are shorter and I always wondered about the lead issue in the manifolds. Still, it sure is a fun way to keep food hot.
Fairy, Southern Comfort is straight whiskey.

I was a croupy kid - when I started coughing and wheezing Mom would get a spoonfull of sugar and pour whiskey on it. I slept pretty well after a dose, so did Mom and Dad!
Ranchie, I think when they went to the aluminum engines and unleaded fuel with catalytic converters, the engines got to the point that the food was getting burned too quick. To make cooking that way worth while.
For coughs and colds, our mom mixed honey, lemon and whiskey. The older we got, the longer our coughs would last LOL. Roger
When I was stationed in Germany I was a platoon sergeant in an engineer company. Each squad had a 5 ton dump truck in which to haul men and equipment. I built a couple of wire cages that would hang on the sides of the engine manifolds. We would place cans of c-rations in the racks about 2 hours before we knew we would be stopping for lunch. This way my platoon always had hot meals. On one maneuver I had a new recruit fill the racks with everyone's rations. Never having had a manifold meal he was unaware of the need to perforate the cans. Shortly before we stopped to eat I thought I could smell something burning. When we did stop we found most of the cans had exploded and our meals were baked on the engine, the underside of the hood and just about everywhere else.

I had hoped that Granny was going to avoid the worst of this cold but I afraid that is not to be. She has done nothing but cough for the last two hours and is now headed for bed. She will take a dose of a nite time cold remedy and hopefully she will be able to sleep.
That's too bad that Granny got "the cough". Give her a hug for me and tell her I hope she feels better soon. It takes alot out of you... that constant coughing. Gave me bad headachs, too. Feel better soon you two!
Hey new people! Welcome-wonderful people here at Opa's place!
Sally-Awwww your wrens are so darn cute! You're lucky the blasted snakes haven't gotten them yet.
Opa-I'm really sorry Granny isn't feeling better. Give her my best and tell her to get well soon! You're right about the boudain-if people knew what was in it and what it was encased in, they'd wretch!
Highlander you and YakLady post the most gorgeous pictures. Scotland is beautiful!
I've been meaning to ask-anyone on Facebook?
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dont worry opa we already do this with southern comfort or my fave Jack Daniels to be honest i work as a nursery nurse and we had some horrid teethers but lilys i must say is relevtily good doesnt moan too much we use an old herbal teething powder called ashtons and parsons and she's fine even opens her mouth for you to put it in all the teething gels they have never seem to last half as long.

i gotta say its a beautiful day here how is everyones weather?

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