Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Good day all,

Sunny and muggy here, like always. There is a "cold front" coming later this week, according to the forecaster. He says we will be in the low 90s! I am ready for fall, both days of it!

I've decided to try to sell my fancy Honda truck and drive the smaller Ranger for transport. That means I have to clean the Honda out. It is amazing what has accumulated in the truck in the course of 5 years, it's like I lived in it! I've taken 3 week road trips in that truck and I'm going to be wistfully missing it, but I'd like to have the money from it. Now if it would stop raining long enough to clean it out...

All the rain is causing lots of rot and mildew in the garden, the only crop this year is still jalapeno peppers. Dismal year for gardening!
Opa, I wish I had all that okra, I love it in Gumbo, which I make a lot during the colder months.

Gallina, I know what you mean! I can get down to weed real well- it's the getting back up that's a pain!

Highlander, I've only had one offer of a bribe and it was withdrawn after I said I was sworn to secrecy!
Is the rain causing any issues in Scotland?

Harlan? I ain't sayin. Just sayin.

PK, I am so glad to hear you like school. I suspect that most of those who don't like school are in public schools, where the peer pressure can be awful, the hours long and not enought one on one time with the instructor.

Viejo, thanks for the caring, cute smiley! I have recovered from the inglorious fall, just glad there were no witnesses
I have often thought about a ceiling fan in the coop, but it's not built in such a way that it would have clearance. I have a mental image of the hens roosting on the blades too, it's pretty funny!
Who says chickens don't fly?
Yes, it most certainly did! Though, letting out the chickens and doing the morning chores early, early this morning felt oh so nice. Actually felt a little chill in the air, the breeze is just a tad bit crisper.

Glad to hear you had a productive garden this year, Sam and had luck with your okra.

I think we had a dry spell right in a critical period for my okra, just didn't do this well this year then the last. Then again, I just grow okra for my friends and family, just can't get on board with a veggie that's hairy AND slimy. Yuck. Ok, take that back....fry it, delicious....other than that...yuck!

I doubled the size of our garden this year and I think that was a mistake, just not enough time in the day to keep up with the weeds, especially if your garden is in the middle of a hay field. Just finished my 5th round canning tomatoes through, so I'll consider it a success.

Now the blackberries, mmmmm, never can get enough of the blackberries and we had a huge harvest this year, 48 pints of blackberry jam (of various varieties) and waaaaay too many cobblers to calculate.

The Blackberry Store...

Tended lovingly by the hardworking shopkeeps....

Whose diligence produces these sugary sweet little jems...
Ranchie, yes I am homeschooled. Mom never wanted me in public school, so we did this. It's great, the only problem is (besides from those challenging math problems) I have trouble making and keeping friends.

Wow, that is so pretty! Love those berries, are you going to make jam with them?
Sure did! I made a plain blackberry batch, a blackberry & basil batch and a blackberry, orange & vanilla batch. The blackberry/orange/vanilla was a huge hit, tastes like a blackberry orange creamsicle...yummmm! Especially good on vanilla ice cream!
I had such a problem with this too, though we've eaten our weight in tomatoes this year, so have all the chickens and turkeys. I feel like for every three tomatoes we gather, one has end rot.

Good news, clean out those jalapeno peppers, fill with cream cheese and spices, wrap with a piece of bacon and throw em on the grill. Had 'em last night! DELISH!
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Sure did! I made a plain blackberry batch, a blackberry & basil batch and a blackberry, orange & vanilla batch. The blackberry/orange/vanilla was a huge hit, tastes like a blackberry orange creamsicle...yummmm! Especially good on vanilla ice cream!

Can I come over?
Sure did! I made a plain blackberry batch, a blackberry & basil batch and a blackberry, orange & vanilla batch. The blackberry/orange/vanilla was a huge hit, tastes like a blackberry orange creamsicle...yummmm! Especially good on vanilla ice cream!

Can I come over?

Why, of course! You just have to be quick about it before I eat it all myself!
Can I come over?

Why, of course! You just have to be quick about it before I eat it all myself!

*puts on running shoes*

Being fascinated by mental disorders, I read the article on Wikipedia on Asperger's, and a bunch of the things there sound like some of my personality tendencies. Huh, maybe I have Aspergers. That's cool.
Tomorrow is lockdown for my test hatch in the new Rcom. Looks like 11 eggs will be making it into lockdown plus another 3 that I gave to a broody. It has been a much easier hatch with this bator than I ever had with the Hovabator. The temps have never fluctuated more than .2 deg and the humidity has been pretty steady too. It also get back up to temp and correct humidity much quicker that the styro bator if I have to open the lid for anything. I am very pleased with it. It's been so foolproof that I wish I hadn't bothered with the test hatch and gone straight to putting in the fancy eggs.

Autumn has definitely arrived here. trees are changing colour, it's raining constantly and the temps are struggling to get above 50 deg. Time for the heating to go back on I think.

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