Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Perhaps it's a good job that you didn't make it down to Florida, it would be a very different thing you'd be calling me now!

Thistle, right in the "Father's Handbook" it reads "it is a father's responsibility to constantly remind his daughter how beautiful she is". I'm pretty sure this applies to cyber daughters as well.

Thistle, my bonnie girl. I sure wish you were here to enjoy the weather we are currently having. 10C nights and 26C days. With the exception of forecasted thunderstorms for Wednesday night, sunshine is predicted for every day this week. I'm sure the damp weather you have coming can get a little irritating.

I'm currently working on a house that due to the original builder not spending $10 for flashing, and the original owner never doing any maintenace, one entire wall of the house was rotted and had it been allowed to go another year or two I think the entire house would have collapsed. I had to remove a 10'x40' deck, all the doors, windows, and siding from that end of the house. Next I had to jack up that end of the house, replace the supporting wall, replace all the door and window framing, install new siding, doors and windows. I have replaced the deck and yesterday built and installed most of the new railing system. Three or fours hours today will finish the job. While prompt payment is the most important aspect of any job, last night the new owners called me just to tell me how happy they are with how everything is looking. While it wasn't necessary, having someone take the time to call and tell you how pleased they are with your work certainly does make work seem more worthwhile. Funny how something like that can make you feel so good.
Sonic Pug glad to meet you and welcome to Opa's place.

Ranchie, I have decided to not work at the school, but I still have to get a 10 and 13 year old off in the morning. That is the hard part, I enjoyed our summer so much, and I don't want it to end. I am not looking forward to waking up tired children, and fighting about homework and bed time.

We are getting ever closer to starting the daycare...it is a lot of work to get licensed. I really wanted to be open by the time school started but now it looks like it will be a little longer. I still have to find a cpr/first aid class. I heard that sometimes you can find it through the fire department cheaper than red cross, but our town is kind of small so they probably don't have it here.

I will miss working with the kids at the school, but I wont miss some of the people I worked with. The sooner the daycare is started the better!

Have a great day everyone.
I have a broody hen sitting on a clutch of eggs of several different breeds. This one, the first to hatch, is a Spangled Hamburg.
Well guys, after months of planning, moving across country, replanning, changing plans, redirecting plans....etc. We are finally going to get to go on our holiday to the UK!

I know the weather isn't the greatest over there in the fall, but I don't care! After living in the fozen tundra of Montana, I think I can deal with the mildly cool temps of the UK.

So, first stop is Edinburgh for a few days, then up to Dufftown for several more days. After that we are going west to Kyle of Lochalsh for about 4 days, then down the west coast a piece. Once we near England we will rest a night then trek down a bit farther south for a few days. Then go east and back up the east coast to Edinburgh the next few days before we depart back to the states!

We will not make it to London this time, as we do not have enough days, but we do have a 7 hour lay-over there on the way, so I am hoping that will afford us with enough time to sight see just a little, but I am not sure. I know it is kind of a whirl-wind trip, cramming all that into 14 days, but I figure that gives us all the more reason to plan another trip!
Harlan...Enjoy your vacation, how wonderful!
Opa love the pic of the chic!!

Ok, now grandma gets to brag a little....
......Our granddaughter had placed 1st place and Best of Show in the local 4H competition for her Boer goat Bullet....she sold her goat that day as is customary (for $900 bucks!
) and the folks gave it back to her so she could take it to the State Fair!! State Fair here in Sedalia was this week and she placed 3rd and 6th in the competion!!! Go baby girl Go!!!
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Laura, that's quite a trip you've planned. You will need to post lots of pictures so we can share in the experience. My little scheduled jaunt to the Ozarks in October sure pales by comparison.

CCMH, isn't it wonderful how the accomplishments of our grandchildren can make us feel so proud. Then to have her experienced heightened by the kindness of strangers sure restores one faith in the human race.

Speaking of the human race, it's one race that I currently feel as if I'm losing. This stupid cold has been hanging on for over 2 weeks now. The congestion and constant racking cough is starting to take its toll.

I sure hope that the Sonic Pug drops back in to visit. I was feeling poorly the day they posted and didn't really see them. I hate over looking anyone and not making them welcome.

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