Open or leave it alone


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 31, 2013
Portsmouth VA
well all of my chicks have hatched except for one , so i opened up the egg at the air cell , but not into the next layer , and it looks like the chick hasnt absorbed the yolk , so what should i do , open the rest and leave him in the incubator or leave it alone like it is ?
It the bitty moving or making noise an how long has it been in the incubator? It could jus be a stillborn baby.
That's good it's movin. I would prob leave it, check it before you go to bed tonight and if its made progress in cracking the shell you should have a baby in the morn. If it has completely stopped moving and making noise before you go to bed then I'd go ahead an hatch it yourself
The membrane/she'll could be to thick for it to get out. If thts the case then you will have to hatch it yourself
Ok in the groove where the membrane an shell are still attached carefully pull it. Poppin a vein shouldn't hurt the bitty bc it's not a part of the baby's body
If there's an air hole uyou can pull it up there to. Make sure you're extremely gentle though

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