Open pop door or closed at night?


In the Brooder
May 14, 2018
Wasilla Alaska
Day 3 with my hens. When I let them out of the coop this a.m. They made a mad dash for the feeder like they were starving to death. Should I just leave the door open so they can wake up and eat before I get out there?
Mine always make a mad dash for food. I could be walking to my car and they make a mad dash to the other end of the run to see if I have something good even if they just ate. I always lock the pop door at night due to predators, unless I'm away for a night in which case it may stay open to the fully fenced run.
Mine always make a mad dash for food. I could be walking to my car and they make a mad dash to the other end of the run to see if I have something good even if they just ate. I always lock the pop door at night due to predators, unless I'm away for a night in which case it may stay open to the fully fenced run.
relatively predater free around here except maybe hawks. Will they go in coop?
I don't know if a hawk would go in a coop. Is your coop open to the great outdoors or to a secure run? If mine was not attached to a secure run, I would never consider leaving the pop door open at night, but that's just me based on what lives here. I don't want things like mice going in there either.
I read this and almost had a heart attack. If I left a pop door open, all the birds would be dead. Raccoons and possums would be in there, even with a "predator proof" run. Night is the hunting time for all kinds of animals and chickens are a preferred food.
I read this and almost had a heart attack. If I left a pop door open, all the birds would be dead. Raccoons and possums would be in there, even with a "predator proof" run. Night is the hunting time for all kinds of animals and chickens are a preferred food.
Here in Alaska we don't have many predators. An rare fox or hawk, but nothing like what you all have.
All of my pop doors stay open at night, actually there aren't any doors, just openings. They all go inside, except seramas that like to roost high in their runs. yard has electric fencing, chicken wire, and each pen is fully enclosed. Plus my dogs have a doggie door in and out of the house.
Really depends on your predator situation and your setup..
Up in Alaska you also have weasels. Lots of them.
I personally always close up my pop door at night. I could go out there before first light, and they'll charge out to the feeder, or a nest box depending on where they are in their cycle. They'll be fine waiting for you to come out.
Alaska has Fisher cat, Marten, ermine and least weasel to name a few predators. I'd close the door every night.

Chickens don't eat when roosting. They awake at first daylight before sunrise. Eating is the first thing on their mind but they certainly aren't starving being let out 8 am.

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