Opening mouth wide?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Dec 16, 2014
My 3-week-old Rhode Island Red started opening her mouth wide every once and a while... mostly once we get her out of the brooder. No runny nose or acting lethargic or anything. Here's a blurry picture, plus one where she's looking normal... Hoping she isn't sick or getting ready to crow!

My 3-week-old Rhode Island Red started opening her mouth wide every once and a while... mostly once we get her out of the brooder. No runny nose or acting lethargic or anything. Here's a blurry picture, plus one where she's looking normal... Hoping she isn't sick or getting ready to crow!

It is most likely and highly probable that you have a rooster!
My gold commet (half RIR half White bardrock) did that quite a bit. how long does she keep her mouth open? just for a second or two? or does she hold it open? If only for a couple seconds that is what mine did, she is my best layer. ;)
Yes, she only holds it open for a second. Sometimes she'll do it 3 times in a row, or so. When I first got her she held it open for a while, but once I turned the heat down a bit, she stopped holding it open a long time.
she is gaping...its from too much heat. Make sure they have water and keep an eye on the heat. make sure they can get away from it. They also do that sometimes when they have an upper respiratory infection. keep an eye on her...make sure her breathing isnt raspy...her nose or eyes are not running...
she is too young to be crowing or trying to crow. its due to heat or some other problem.
Cluckies, that's exactly what it looks like. I thought maybe she was getting choked on her down feathers when she plucks them, or something? Cocosandy, I'll keep an eye on her. Heat is down and their brooder is large enough so she can get away if she's too hot, but she tends to stay close to the heat source. She rarely does this in her brooder... just more often once she's out.
I would not worry. It sounds like mine. Mine did it and still does here and there and there is nothing wrong with her. just her weird thing I guess, lol

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