Operation Rehab...is there any hope for her?

Have you tried letting her soak in warm epsom salt water?

No I haven't she swims in the kiddie pool and since it was rainy and kind of cool out today she was let into the bathtub with warm water....she can never stay in long because she gets waterlogged. She preens herself but from what I can see she is not capable of doing it right for some reason.

I also forgot her leg is painful, so she can feel it. If you touch it, or try to stretch it out a little she will "cheep" and try to get away from you.

She also doesn't have wing feathers....not sure if they were plucked or she just never got them I'm not sure, she should most definetly have them because the 4 week old girls we have are getting theres....maybe she can't balance herself which is why she's not really trying to put forth a bigger effort in walking? As a matter of fact she doesn't have ANY feathers at all on her wings
They look like a 2 week olds wings...
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Be careful with DMSO. Using it on a horse is much different than using it on a small duck. Very powerful stuff.
That vet and their staff is disgusting. Is there another avian vet that you can call? I cannot imagine a person who goes into practice to help animals and the people that work for him/her being so rude and ignorant.
When I took any of my ducks to my vet, the staff was wonderful. They were caring and compassionate. And the vet was wonderful. Honest, but gentle and obviously very caring and compassionate too. I am sorry that you got treated that way. Just because the animal is a duck doesn't entitle these idiots to treat it or you like that.
This didn't even happen to me and I am furious. Can't imagine how you feel.
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No I haven't she swims in the kiddie pool and since it was rainy and kind of cool out today she was let into the bathtub with warm water....she can never stay in long because she gets waterlogged. She preens herself but from what I can see she is not capable of doing it right for some reason.

I also forgot her leg is painful, so she can feel it. If you touch it, or try to stretch it out a little she will "cheep" and try to get away from you.

She also doesn't have wing feathers....not sure if they were plucked or she just never got them I'm not sure, she should most definetly have them because the 4 week old girls we have are getting theres....maybe she can't balance herself which is why she's not really trying to put forth a bigger effort in walking? As a matter of fact she doesn't have ANY feathers at all on her wings
They look like a 2 week olds wings...
Sounds almost like she is stunted, you know bad diet possibly not even able to get to her food to begin with, who knows she may have hatched like this, if mama was fed nothing but scratch then her diet wasn't so hot either. Although I have a link here about Scratch grains that ya'll may find interesting so i don't rule it out completely but she was at deaths door when you found her, no telling how long she had gone with food period. if she was having a hard time getting to it. Did you actually see a feed bowl? with feed in it?
Sounds almost like she is stunted, you know bad diet possibly not even able to get to her food to begin with, who knows she may have hatched like this, if mama was fed nothing but scratch then her diet wasn't so hot either. Although I have a link here about Scratch grains that ya'll may find interesting so i don't rule it out completely but she was at deaths door when you found her, no telling how long she had gone with food period. if she was having a hard time getting to it. Did you actually see a feed bowl? with feed in it?

She supposably put her in the chicken coop at night, I think....which is where the chickens got to her I'm assuming. I didn't go into the coop at all. There was a water bowl outside but she was 50ft away from it laying along the woodline...

I think she got her from Tractor Supply which is where she works so she didn't have the parents. When I was there she did tell me that she was once normal and walking around, she said she's not sure what happened to her
She supposably put her in the chicken coop at night, I think....which is where the chickens got to her I'm assuming. I didn't go into the coop at all. There was a water bowl outside but she was 50ft away from it laying along the woodline...

I think she got her from Tractor Supply which is where she works so she didn't have the parents. When I was there she did tell me that she was once normal and walking around, she said she's not sure what happened to her
Well that terrible part of her life is over. So hopefully given time and supportive care she will make a big come back. Just think of how far she has already come.I think i would try letting her soak in warm epsom salt water a couple times a day. a small dish pan or something like that she won't be tempted to drink out of. Just soaking not trying to manipulate the leg just a real good soak. Epsom salt is suppose to be good for swelling and imflamation. Bless her heart she probably thinks she has died and gone to heaven being with you.
Recent experience with my own bumblefoot and now a foot infection for Romy backs up Miss Lydia's suggestion about Epsom salts. I made a poultice for myself with Epsom salts and comfrey salve, and for Romy we are putting warm Epsom salts/water compresses on twice a day, along with a triple antibiotic ointment slathering. After three or four days, things are looking up for Romy, and for my own case it took several days to completely resolve, but it did!

And yes, since Epsom salts have a laxative effect, keep the duck from drinking the soak water! I use a very shallow, small (one inch deep, 4 inch diameter) bowl, put half an inch of warm water and a couple tablespoons of salts with a clean rag or paper towels to wrap the foot and get the solution on top of the foot as well. My beloved holds Romy and we sit with her for just maybe five minutes at a time, then wipe ointment on her foot top and bottom before letting her go.

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